The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for September 25, 2008
Huey: I have a mathematics question. Teacher: Yes? Huey: Let's say a record label gives a new artist a six-figure advance against royalties, but that advance doesn't cover all the cost of making his CD, which he has to pay. Then they give the artist an 8 percent royalty, which doesn't allow him to cover the advance, leaving him bankrupt and enslaved the record label even though they made a profit off his CD. Teacher: (sigh) Yes? Huey: So my question is, how many tons of explosives should we use to blow up the RIAA when they say they're shutting down napster to protect the artists' rights? Teacher: Ok, no more questions from Huey today...
blackman2732 over 16 years ago
I’m afraid that my son might end up like Huey but to a lesser degree. Huey has too much insight for his age.
JonD17 over 16 years ago
May your son find a way, blackman. Like many of us, Huey just wants the world to be right….
Muffin.bby over 16 years ago
lol. Huey is the best but his perspective on life is to deep for me.