The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for November 09, 2011
Huey: All I'm saying is, how can I take "The Passion" seriously when we know Jesus was not a white man? I'm not gonna see "Jesus" up there getting beaten and tortured and crucified, it's just some random white man. So I ask myself, "Is that worth ten bucks"? I mean, maybe if the white man was Pat Robertson... Caesar: You're going to hell.
runar about 13 years ago
I’d pay to see that happen to Pat Robertson.
njberman about 13 years ago
A person who believes in god causes death …. to other people
mattro65 about 13 years ago
The opiate of the masses.
Jkiss about 13 years ago
I would also pay to see that happen to Pat R. Can we do it in Haiti?
BobertoDonQuixote about 13 years ago
Who cares what “color” Jesus was. We know he was a Jew, and that means he was a descendant of Abraham which would have made him of Chaldean descent, in other words of a people who once lived in or around modern day Iraq. And that was precisely what the film tried to portray him as, what with the Aramaic dialect and all. Still it is irrelevant. He came for all people, despite what the ignorant racists think. And before someone goes bashing Christianity because of all the anti-Christian things people do while claiming it as their religion, you can’t blame Christ (or His Father) for the evil acts that people commit. He will deal with them (and Pat Robertson) when their times come.
jkhandy about 13 years ago
Funny how some people still say “Christ or his Father.” Perfect example of the ignorant mentality of separateness, (us/them) that keeps us all thinking that we, and everything else is actually separate, when the opposite is true. For those who quote Bible verses to validate their behavior, how about when Jesus stated; “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.” Not up in the sky with pearly gates. Or, when Jesus stated: “Beware of The Church, for there within resides Satan.” You never hear the Bible beaters mentioning those verses or the many others like them. Either we get it as a people, together, or we are not going to make it.
lin4869 about 13 years ago
I’m sorry, but this one cracked me up. I am very much a Christian.
pbarnrob about 13 years ago
My favorite bumper sticker; [Rapture Happened: Nobody Left.]