The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for September 13, 2012

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    login88 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    @simpsonfan2: ah… another truly dazzling display of the democratic party’s complete lack of understanding of the term “economics” and “progressive taxation”. Even though each so called “rich” person pays more dollars in taxes that the “poor” person, it’s still not enough that the 47% of the population who are net tax payers support the 53% that pay no net taxes— or worse GET MONEY BACK as tax credits for sitting on their butts all day…. yep that’s what is “fair” in democrat dream land. Thanks for reminding me of how everyone else should pay for you to sit on your a$$ all day, simpsonfan2.

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    Enzo Perino  over 12 years ago

    @login88: You are an ignorant fool and a liar. Nobody gets a tax credit or money back unless they work, but their income is so low that they don’t have enough to live on. That’s why it’s called the EARNED income tax credit. There’s nobody who pays no taxes. Renters pay property taxes as part of their rent and anyone who buys anything pays sales taxes in most states. Everyone who works pays social security and medicare withholding taxes. Go back to high school you freakin moron!

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    theshrinkisin  over 12 years ago

    @login88: You must be a great ape alpha male. Unlike humans, apes do not feel empathy and will not cooperate with others even if a common benefit is derived from the cooperation. Please leave us humans alone and return to your jungle. You will be happier there.

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    Enzo Perino  over 12 years ago

    @Peter stamp: yes, New Hampshire has no sales tax, but they have an income tax and maybe 2 other states

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    kaecispopX  over 12 years ago

    A true flat tax with NO EXEMPTIONS is the only just form of taxation. The individual bite would be the same, but those whose income is higher would pay a larger dollar amount and those with a lower income would pay a smaller dollar amount. The biggest problem in the system we use today is that it is opposed to being productive while rewarding one group of people at the expense of others. Basically the system is corrupted by the greed of us all. We all want the maximum benefit for ourselves the the least personal cost – even if someone else has to pay for the difference.

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    galanti  over 12 years ago

    Ah yes – sales taxes, gas taxes, sin taxes like those on cigarettes and booze – the Republican dream taxes. Regressive.

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    login88 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    To all of those who said I’m a moron: show me your supporting documentation. Do you have anything other than name calling to defend your position?

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    login88 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    @Enzo Perino: I have 2 graduate degrees, both emphasizing Finance. Additionally, I have taught Finance and Economics at the undergraduate and graduate level; if I were to visit you at high school, I would only be visiting whereas you’d probably be on year 7. Tell me again how you and your liberal friends will create wealth by taxing it out of existence? Please return to your president’s world tour of bowing to all of the terrorist heads of state and kissing their a$$es— I’m sure he can use your help.

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