The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for June 19, 2013
Huey: Granddad, compulsory schooling is a tool the government uses to condition, subordinate and ultimately control the people. We should seriously consider home schooling! Granddad: Well, maybe it's something we can talk about... Huey: Really? Granddad: ...Just as soon as you graduate from college. I ain't talkin' social politics with some elementary school dropout.
William Bednar Premium Member over 11 years ago
But, isn’t home schooling a tool used by adults to supordinnate and, ulitmately, contol, their children?
Davepostmp over 11 years ago
I want them to cover spelling, typing skills and proofreading.
rugratz2222 over 11 years ago
friend of mine was home-schooling his 3 kids then moved to Montana … put his 3 in high school finally and they all tested out in the top 10% of their classes. They were already about 50% already through by the current year curriculum at the beginning of the school year. People were so worried they were not “socialized” yet my friend did not have to remove any bad habits taught to them by their class mates, like other kids in their classes. My daughter learned early to say no to her class mates that wanted to get into trouble … graduated with honors … in honor society at college now … I am so proud of her.