It was 1954, there I stood at the door waiting. My hair all smoothed down with a liberal abundance of Colonel Thompson’s hair creme. I held a fresh hand full of posies. Dressed in my finest, I waited. There came a knock, I grabbed the door knob excitedly and opening the door said in my suavest voice…..”Hey baby, what’s for a kiss”.
To my Horror on the other side of the door were my mates, grinning and hooting!
gigabyte03 almost 16 years ago
It was 1954, there I stood at the door waiting. My hair all smoothed down with a liberal abundance of Colonel Thompson’s hair creme. I held a fresh hand full of posies. Dressed in my finest, I waited. There came a knock, I grabbed the door knob excitedly and opening the door said in my suavest voice…..”Hey baby, what’s for a kiss”. To my Horror on the other side of the door were my mates, grinning and hooting!
SidSnomann almost 16 years ago
And did you get your kiss?