Oh boy, Stel! I’m guessing that Max is a dog well known to you. And what a noble-looking warrior he is, too! Plus Tina Turnbasset; a dynamic performer if there ever was one. They broke the mold when they made her.
Not that it’ll do any good… we all know the film industry is awash in it…. but I didn’t think I’d see an obvious example like this coming from the Cleo and Company studios.
Don’t see “Cleo and Company Studios” on the poster?
Right…. just some producers and directors.
Well, believe me… you don’t get a film like this into major distribution channels….
you don’t get a world wide release….
without the backing of some major canine film production mojo.
And who has more mojo than Cleo and Company Studios?
And the proof?
Who else would make Max Girouard a star…. in his very first film outing?
Doesn’t that last name ring a bell?
Of course it does!
Does StelBel know him??
She raised him from a puppy!
Then again….. look at that face…..
Aw…. cootsy-poo….. who’s a good dog? Who’s a good dog?
Is Maxie a good doggie?
A brave, heroic, and handsome little doggie?
OK…. well, I guess no one could resist making him a movie star….
Love the tribe of lost puppies. I’ll bet each of them has familiar names, like Dennis, Susan, Liverlips, Steve, Plods, Nighthawks, Grog, Farside, Rotty, Perky, Tigressy, Katina, Bri, Dorothea, SheMc, MonKey, etc., etc., etc…………..
margueritem over 15 years ago
Kind of like the little kid yelling, “Look at me, Mom!”.
ejcapulet over 15 years ago
Marg, you took the words right out of my fingers!
Superfrog over 15 years ago
Anniquem over 15 years ago
I just love the expressions on the faces in this cartoon.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 5 years ago
Oh boy, Stel! I’m guessing that Max is a dog well known to you. And what a noble-looking warrior he is, too! Plus Tina Turnbasset; a dynamic performer if there ever was one. They broke the mold when they made her.
Farside99 over 5 years ago
What a motley collection of mut…uh…fine looking collection of armed purebreds.
DennisinSeattle over 5 years ago
To see StelBel’s most excellent movie poster, go to:
DennisinSeattle over 5 years ago
Stel, this is too funny. “Beyond Thundershirt” indeed. And this Max seems to be a relative of yours? Fess up!
GROG Premium Member over 5 years ago
And like my mom, she never even looked.
GROG Premium Member over 5 years ago
Bu what made him so mad?
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 5 years ago
I cry nepotism!
Not that it’ll do any good… we all know the film industry is awash in it…. but I didn’t think I’d see an obvious example like this coming from the Cleo and Company studios.
Don’t see “Cleo and Company Studios” on the poster?
Right…. just some producers and directors.
Well, believe me… you don’t get a film like this into major distribution channels….
you don’t get a world wide release….
without the backing of some major canine film production mojo.
And who has more mojo than Cleo and Company Studios?
And the proof?
Who else would make Max Girouard a star…. in his very first film outing?
Doesn’t that last name ring a bell?
Of course it does!
Does StelBel know him??
She raised him from a puppy!
Then again….. look at that face…..
Aw…. cootsy-poo….. who’s a good dog? Who’s a good dog?
Is Maxie a good doggie?
A brave, heroic, and handsome little doggie?
OK…. well, I guess no one could resist making him a movie star….
even if he’s not a basset.
Plods with ...™ over 5 years ago
One of the best posters! I’d go see the movie. 4 paws up!
Nighthawks Permission to share on facespace with appropriate link?
JP Steve Premium Member over 5 years ago
♪♫Tina Basset, with the pur, pur, purplie eyes!♪♫
MontanaLady over 5 years ago
WOW! What a terrific poster, Stel!!!!!
Love the tribe of lost puppies. I’ll bet each of them has familiar names, like Dennis, Susan, Liverlips, Steve, Plods, Nighthawks, Grog, Farside, Rotty, Perky, Tigressy, Katina, Bri, Dorothea, SheMc, MonKey, etc., etc., etc…………..
mabrndt Premium Member over 5 years ago
Featuring a picture of the actual Max Girouard!! Did he recognize himself? I only hope it isn’t a posthumous thing. Kudos again, StelBel!!