Bob Gorrell for September 14, 2009

  1. Image013
    believecommonsense  almost 15 years ago

    Wilson knows exactly what he’s doing … he will ride his “hero” status for some to his upcoming re-election

    But this is typical Gorrell thinking. Asking our legislators to be more truthful and stop spewing lies and exaggerations is portrayed as physically muzzling opponents. Not so.

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  2. Wargob
    gbrucewilson  almost 15 years ago

    He got the healthcare bill amended to do id checks.

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  3. Statue liberty 2
    GNWachs  almost 15 years ago

    Wow, BCS. Good political insight.

    Wilson, is that true? I haven’t seen that.

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  4. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 15 years ago

    GNW, we may never know, but Wilson did have a draft of Obama’s speech before he gave it (as did all of Congress), so the outburst might not have been as “spontaneous” as he claimed. Furthermore, after the apology which was forced out of him by his own party (remembering he violated Congressional rules, and has not fully compensated for that yet), he appeared on Hannity and basically re-claimed again that Obama is a liar. And he asked for money for his campaign, which Hannity was glad to help with. Remembering also that his base is the South Carolina yahoo vote. I can’t believe I used to live there…

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  5. Missing large
    oneoldhat  almost 15 years ago

    Asking our legislators to be more truthful and stop spewing lies and exaggerations is portrayed as physically muzzling opponents

    I am Asking our Pesident to be more truthful and stop spewing lies

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  6. Statue liberty 2
    GNWachs  almost 15 years ago


    I had lunch today with one of my dear friends an intelligent liberal. We discussed the points you make. There are 2 types of lies. Those of commission and those of omission. Obama did not make a lie of commission but he did of omission.

    Even Herbert of the NYT, a far left black liberal, said nobody believes Obama when he said there would not be any increase in the deficit if his health care passes. 47 million more covered for free.

    Obama said illegal aliens would not be covered but somehow forgot to mention the law today is a doctor/hospital is not allowed to ask for ID. So illegals would have to be treated. The clause in the proposed law to change that was NOT in the bill when Obama spoke. So he did indeed commit a lie of omission. Two days later after the faux indignant cries by the Democrats they put that paragraph into the bill.

    Obama has been making many many “lies” of omission because he is intelligent enough to know if he tells the truth the bill will never pass.

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  7. Image013
    believecommonsense  almost 15 years ago

    Once again , it will not be “free” insurance, people will pay premiums. Those at the very low poverty level already get Medicaid. It’s the working poor (but not poor enough for medicaid), the self-employed, employees of small businesses who will be allowed, finally, to be covered by health insurance, and they will pay premiums.

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  8. Statue liberty 2
    GNWachs  almost 15 years ago

    Millions and millions will not pay one penny in premiums. For them it will be totally free. And they also don’t pay Federal Income Tax.

    Here is the polite way to say Obama lied from the liberal WaPo:

    Robert Samuelson in the Washington Post weighs in on President Obama’s health-care speech:

    [Obama] is indulging his ambition for a special place in history and illustrating why Americans don’t discuss health care honestly… . Obama told Americans what they want to hear… . The problem is that you can’t entirely believe Obama… . Obama’s selling of “reform” qualifies as high-class hucksterism… . The candor gap reflects a common condescension.

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