Bob Gorrell for September 21, 2009

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    believecommonsense  almost 15 years ago

    a better version of this toon, IMHO, would be to have the grinning “doctor” be a GOP funt holding the needle with a label LIES with the same words. Then, Gorrell, I would think you’d have a good toon, IMHO.

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    Loco80  almost 15 years ago

    I do think that Mr Carter was way out of line here. This is one of the most important, and certainly the most heated topic facing the nation today. With emotions as strong as they are, why would a supposedly intelligent person inject racism? I can only suspect that he wants to see bloodshed, there can be no other motive for his comment. One politician calling another a liar? The forum where it occurred was certainly inappropriate, but I think that namecalling might just have happened before. Is Wilson racist? I don’t know, but in this topic, I don’t think that would enter into the equation. Have both sides lied about the proposal here? Absolutely. BCS, I think TWO doctors with dueling hypos , the helpless public in the middle, would have been most accurate.

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    Dtroutma  almost 15 years ago

    The one thing we can count on the “right” NOT to inject is intelligence or common sense. Vitriol, they have a large supply of. But then they’ve had the same “hard on” against any feasible reform for 40 years.

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    believecommonsense  almost 15 years ago

    loco, I don’t think Carter’s statements were helpful to the debate. Thinking back, Carter has frequently made statements that didn’t please sitting Presidents. I think he made his remarks because he felt a moral imperative to point out the racism that is so clearly out there against Obama for anything and everything. (“Evil prevails when good men do nothing.”)

    However, on healthcare, I agree with you and others, except for a small fringe, the opposition is not based on racism. The Republicans always fight healthcare issues, they fought against Medicare under Johnson. But some are just people who are fearful and think somehow in the reform equation what they now have will be diminished.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Carter is right, but Obama is also right that you might as well ignore that and work on the lies that the right is injecting into the debate. For Gorrell to ignore the lies and attack an unpleasant truth is not helpful to the debate or for the nation. But I think being helpful for the good of the nation was dropped from the right’s agenda long before Obama was elected.

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    gbrucewilson  almost 15 years ago

    I’m not a racist, but the constant use of the race card to stifle debate could turn me into one. I’m sure there were a significant number of people whose vote in November was based totally on race. I even think that was true with a small number who voted for McCain. In total, I think more people voted for Obama because of his race than against. Obama could never have been elected without the “white vote”. The more Obama talks and tries to explain his plans, the more people don’t believe him. It reminds me of the Wizard of Oz. “Don’t look at the man behind the curtain”.

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    cdward  almost 15 years ago

    Let’s not forget that Obama addressed race when asked. And he said it’s NOT a defining issue in the health care debate. He’s not the one bringing it up.

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    oneoldhat  almost 15 years ago

    carter called bho “black boy” in an interview with lerner 08/08 his racist calling is just projection

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    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    gbruce sez he/she is not a racist, but looking at how racist the election was could turn him/her into a racist!


    Um, maybe then you can understand how almost each and every major political election in this country from 1776 till 2008 have been race-based. How only “the white vote”, as you put it, counted at all.

    Yes, of course black people would be excited to vote for a black president! Not being represented at all, from the state level, to congress, to the white house, would motivate MY vote, and yours, too.

    So it’s OK, understandable, and not cause for your rambling fear. Race played a part in the election!! As it ALWAYS has! o noes!!!

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    petergrt  almost 15 years ago

    My, my, what a leftist love-fest this board has become.

    Of course nothing brings out the best out of leftists than ranting about conservatives and Republicans.

    I hate to rain in your parade, but I am reminded that there were more people murdered in the name of leftist causes than in all wars, crusades and such, together. And that does not include the atrocities committed by Nazis - perhaps the most underappreciated leftists of them all.

    Yes, you leftists have a great record of accomplishments!!!

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    petergrt  almost 15 years ago

    “Not being represented at all, from the state level, to congress, to the white house, …”

    Why do the races need a political representation?

    Isn’t that racism?

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    Redeemd  almost 15 years ago

    It’s hard for me to fathom how Obama could even be a racist since he’s bi-racial himself. I guess it’s possible to hate part of your heritage.

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    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    Peter, you must be kidding. Do you remember when black Americans were not allowed to vote? Not too long ago. So they had no representation, no? The path from abject slavery to citizenship was not easy, and there was a lot of (obviously racist) objection to every step.

    Why do the races need a political representation? Because America is not simply the land of golden opportunity for every individual, no matter that it was easy for some.

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    believecommonsense  almost 15 years ago

    Howie, no his minions aren’t doing it and Carter isn’t a minion to anyone — he has been an equal opportunity, bipartisan annoyance to other sitting presidents.

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