@PAB re SOTU, from yesterday.
i don’t follow the strip’s comments due to all the negative vibes. i had no problem with the strip itself. my problem is that i can’t seem to avoid reading comments along with the strips, so they both have to be worthwhile to me. SOTU just wasn’t a funny enough strip, to me, to keep on putting up with the combatants in the comment section.
Old Wolf, I just knew you were referencing the latest nadir of stupid. I’d wonder aloud what it is with the far right and their parts fixations, but I think I saw one too many wide stance arguments to not know the answer.
Edcole1961 over 15 years ago
One thing both sides can agree on about the birthers is that they need a certificate.
zero over 15 years ago
Babylon? that’s near Long Island NY. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but that IS the USA.
KingRat over 15 years ago
well if he was living in the US at the time of the ratification of the Constitution he’s grandfathered in.
wndrwrthg over 15 years ago
Well Edcole 1961, they are certainly certifiable.
lewisbower over 15 years ago
If he was born in Hawaii, how come I don’t get macadamia nuts every April 15th?. Oh yeah and a lay
grapfhics over 15 years ago
to Jukeofurl: Yes, it is a town on Long Island, originally part of Town of Huntington.
steverinoCT over 15 years ago
@Lewreader– you are really expecting maybe a bit too much. (Maybe on February 14th…)
The Old Wolf over 15 years ago
If you think the birthers are certifiable, you should go over and have a look at what the dark underbelly of the birther movement is discussing.
Yikes. Yikes. Yikes.
yyyguy over 15 years ago
@PAB re SOTU, from yesterday. i don’t follow the strip’s comments due to all the negative vibes. i had no problem with the strip itself. my problem is that i can’t seem to avoid reading comments along with the strips, so they both have to be worthwhile to me. SOTU just wasn’t a funny enough strip, to me, to keep on putting up with the combatants in the comment section.
yyyguy over 15 years ago
@ Old Wolf: all i can say is “Gosh!” it’s like the limbo. how low can you go?
BlueRaven over 15 years ago
Old Wolf, I just knew you were referencing the latest nadir of stupid. I’d wonder aloud what it is with the far right and their parts fixations, but I think I saw one too many wide stance arguments to not know the answer.
3hourtour Premium Member over 15 years ago
..so were Adam and Eve…
Yukoneric over 15 years ago
Lowreader, that’s spelled lei. Unless……………
LibrarianInTraining over 15 years ago
Because Macadamia nuts are disgusting. That’s why. yech!
jellofish over 15 years ago
They’re pretty good in cookies though. Pepperidge Farm knows what it’s doing.