Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for July 06, 2008
Mark: "If we were a dog food, we'd be taken off the shelf," one Republican leader lamented. Now that's a self-esteem problem! We're back with Repbulican consultant Dough Chumley! Dough, is it fair to say that your brand is in trouble? Man: Yes, but we're fighting back, Mark - by eliminating voter fraud! All over the country, Republican legislators are working tirelessly to create barriers at the polls! By mandating strict ID requirements, we can disenfranchise the poor, the infirm, students, minorities - anyone who can't be counted on to vote responsibly! Mark: Fascinating! So instead of making your tent bigger, the strategy now is to make the Democratic tent smaller? Man: Right! If we learned anything from Florida in 2000, it was that disenfranchisement works - that Republicans can win even if they lose! Mark: So the new GOP is all about hope? Man: Hope and change! Changing the rules, changing the subject - we're change agents!
crickerbob Premium Member over 16 years ago
Republican comment
kat827618 over 16 years ago
Direct Hit!