Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 05, 2009
Toggle: Anyway, I'm signing up for courses in computer acoustics, sound design and maybe business admin. I think I want to open my own studio. Alex: OMG! That's so cool! Girl: What's cool? Alex: Leo's going to open his own studio! Like Abbey Road where the Beatles recorded! Girl: Yes, that would be an example of a studio. Alex: Right. Dial it back. Why do I do that?
keenanthelibrarian over 15 years ago
She’s just too enthusiastic for her own good. Sometimes. Very endearing, anyhow.
Potrzebie over 15 years ago
Umm.. punch line? Abbey Road? Does she imply that Abbey Road was a powerhouse and Toogle’s will not be one for a while?
Two strange things: Leo can type in complete sentences! I thought no kids did that anymore! and, the kid knows beatletrivia?
Ermine Notyours over 15 years ago
Leo types in complete sentences, but the girl uses abbreviations in speech.
Ushindi over 15 years ago
baslim: Why would they sue for a drug to treat addictions? Trepress? Trade name: Trepress
Ingredients names:
Chlorthalidone Hydralazine Hydrochloride Oxprenolol Hydrochloride
pbarnrob over 15 years ago
Sounds more like a dead-tree book publisher…
Randyt8 over 15 years ago
All ofv you forgot that movies and TV shows are recorded in a studio, could that be what he means? Just a thought.
Khard12 over 15 years ago
It could have been a dance studio or a photography/art studio. Good thing she clarified it for her roomie.
DoraDingle over 15 years ago
Maybe the recording studio is his computer.
kauri44 over 15 years ago
So did Toggle decide to go to Walden? I keep hoping he chose a better school.
seablood over 15 years ago
I can hardly wait till Alex gets a nose job. She’d be really hot!