Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for October 31, 2008

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    She’s secretly trying to get rid of him….

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  2. Shrek front
    attyush  about 16 years ago

    Ahh…I knew Calvin was missing something. A compass.

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  3. Avator
    sadiash  about 16 years ago

    hmmmm maybe she is giving them wrong directions intentionally evil mom

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    freedomroze  about 16 years ago

    I threatened to leave once when I was little…was going to live with my bio dad…my mom helped me pack my bag…lol

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    menoksen  about 16 years ago

    Me and my gf were going to run away a bunch of times. We were going to Disneyland. We would get on our bikes and start riding. Problem is we weren’t allowed to cross the street or go past a certain point on the block cuz there was no sidewalk. So we had to turn around and go back home. :(

    We were 6.

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    jwearl33  about 16 years ago

    I want that helmet, I’d pick all the chicks up with that baby

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  7. Nukecareer
    hcaulfield  about 16 years ago

    Her motherly instincts got ahold of her and she just had to point him the right direction.

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  8. Calvin  26 hobbes   calvin
    space-cadet  about 16 years ago

    LOVE the helmet

    good luck calvin

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  9. Picture 2
    MrBillT  about 16 years ago

    Looks like a Spaceman Spiff helmet to me……

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  10. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  about 16 years ago

    hcaulfield, First time I’ve thought about Holden C. in many years. Hope Calvin doesn’t go down that path!

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  11. Sorry
    rhayes73  about 16 years ago

    I love it! My wife did the same thing with my 8 year old (he was on his little bike). A few minutes later, She caught up with him (driving the car), told him what was for dinner just in case, and left him again. 15 minutes later he was back ready for dinner!

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  12. Spiff icon
    hintzy  about 16 years ago

    Spaceman Spiff doesn’t wear a helmet, see?

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    goodkindacrazy  about 16 years ago

    Its not a helmet, its a fur-lined hat with ear flaps and he’s wearing ear muffs. He is going to the Yukon after all.

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  14. Allen s brain  blue
    AllensBrain  about 16 years ago

    Love the quotation marks on “Mom”!

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  15. Allen s brain  blue
    AllensBrain  about 16 years ago

    Er, a note to whomever does the tags: it’s spelled “secede,” not “seceed.”

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  16. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  about 16 years ago

    AllensBrain: I didn’t notice the quotation marks. Nice catch! That’s the best line in the strip.

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  17. Heidi closeup
    shasneha  about 16 years ago

    suuuupppppppeeeeeeerrrrrbbbbbb. gosh y didnt i did this whn i was kid??

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  18. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  about 16 years ago

    Calvin and Hobbes walked on wrong path and suddenly, his mother stopped them and told them to go another way which was their home. (I tried to figure out how to make that sentence but I tried my best. Gosh!) :-\ Peace! :-)

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  19. Skullblink
    Salamurai  about 16 years ago

    goodkindacrazy : it is a helmet. He said he was bringing his helmet in a previous strip. It has a visor, ear-knobs and antenna.

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  20. I swear to tell the truth
    MishiUddo  about 16 years ago

    Last time I tried to run away to the Yukon, my mom told me not to pee on the abomidable snowman. sheesh. as if I didn’t know that already!

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    jabo  about 16 years ago

    Mothers know best!!!

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  22. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  about 16 years ago

    “Mom”: Thank goodness! I thought I’d have to wait until he was eighteen!

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  23. Steam engine
    Julicans  about 16 years ago

    one time my son wanted to run away and I told him he could as long as he didn’t leave the property-we had 6 acres-he and his sis worked and worked at getting his stuff over the barbed wire fence. After a while he came back in and said that it was raining, while the sun was shinning and not a cloud in the sky!

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  24. Img 0620 1
    tabbylynn  about 16 years ago

    who ever said that they would take a sled yesterday, did you cheet and look ahead?

    i thought this strip was pretty good. loved the face he makes when mom calls him back. pricless. sha.

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  25. Hdr ch
    nyer73  about 16 years ago

    sled is also toboggan.. this was on their packed list.

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    kluLIFE  about 16 years ago

    calvin going to yokoon

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    jazzchick88  about 16 years ago

    XD Amazing sense of direction. I want one, too. :3

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    HobbesForPresident  almost 7 years ago

    why does mom care?

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  29. Large hobbes
    Dude Perfect |-|0883$  about 4 years ago


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