Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for March 07, 2009

  1. 5346ae65734b4d0e82350407ef0d8e00 250
    cleokaya  almost 16 years ago

    Oh my God, they listened.

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  2. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  almost 16 years ago

    They listened, but missed the point.

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  3. New4deer
    4deerinmyyard  almost 16 years ago

    Tiger sitting in the snow, Playing checkers even though Dad meant frolic, skip, and shout, Turn somersaults, and run about,

    Get any cardiovasculish Exercise; but they are foolish And though the wind is cold and sting-y, They seek instead to call out “King me!”

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  4. Cutiger
    rentier  almost 16 years ago

    No coldness can’t stop the play.

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  5. Missing large
    Leonardeuler  almost 16 years ago

    charlie37133 says: hey that checker game was for the world championship title. I wonder if they are playing chess anyway: I count 25 black and white squares only instead of the necesarry 64 ones.

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  6. Jd single barrel
    Groversfather  almost 16 years ago

    RE: I wonder if they are playing chess anyway: I count 25 black and white squares only instead of the necesarry 64 ones.

    No, it’s checkers…being played with Calvin Rules.

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  7. Theskulker avatar ic07
    TheSkulker  almost 16 years ago

    4deerinmyyard says: Tiger sitting in the snow, Playing checkers even though …   Creative! Thanks for the pleasure. 0412 PST [1212z]

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    Leonardeuler  almost 16 years ago

    Why does Hobbes need a scarf ? He is already wearing a fur coat.

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    rshive  almost 16 years ago

    How very cute that Hobbes has his own scarf!

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  10. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    @ 4deerinmyyard;

    That was clever, thanks for sharing! Your name almost sounds like a line from a poem as well.

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  11. Img 0620 1
    tabbylynn  almost 16 years ago

    4deerinmyyard that was GREAT! thank you, for sharing. I have a question, do you just come up with this when you see it, i mean does it just click and you type it? Or do you sit there for a while and think about it?

    this was a cute comic. i remembered my bro and myself did this once, not playing checkers, but something else.

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  12. Missing large
    Leonardeuler  almost 16 years ago

    Hobbes looks a little surprised in the last panel. Indeed, Calvin played his king knight instead of his queen bishop. Tsk, tsk. Now he looses the game and the championship.

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  13. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  almost 16 years ago

    Oh my goodness! Calvin and Hobbes play the checker game outside while there is soooooooo cold. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Why don’t they play the chess game instead? Calvin should have more knowledge how to play the chess game.

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  14. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  almost 16 years ago

    Let us all enjoy the brief tranquility of the moment lest we forget that Calvin+Hobbes+Snow = CHAOS!

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    Marderofski  almost 16 years ago

    There have been some comments lately hopefully pointing to some Calvin-created-snowmen, I really am hoping that we see some of those before winter is over.

    Although it is march…

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  16. Eye darker
    Nairebis  almost 16 years ago

    It’s not like Calvin doesn’t get enough exercise getting into mischief all the time. The kid is actually playing quietly for a change, and the parents STILL aren’t happy. No wonder Calvin retreats into his brain so much.

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  17. Nanny poo
    carmy  almost 16 years ago

    They’re gonna freeze their heinies.

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  18. Angie 2
    SlyGuy54  almost 16 years ago

    I did that to my parents too.. So I am NOT the only one!?

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  19. Sylvester012a
    pbuckland Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    Groversfather says: “I count 25 black and white squares only instead of the necesarry 64 ones.”

    The other squares are with the missing fingers.

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  20. Mthemskeleton
    mark.berte  almost 16 years ago

    If you need a fix of Calvin’s Snowmen, just google “Calvin’s Snowmen” and you find a large number of sites to reminisce on. I just grabbed this one:

    Pause the music at the top of the left frame and you can go directly to more than 20 of them….Enjoy!

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  21. Radleft
    Radical-Knight  almost 16 years ago

    Why not a vigorous, stirring game of Calvin-Ball?

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  22. Img 0620 1
    tabbylynn  almost 16 years ago

    Nairebis says:

    It’s not like Calvin doesn’t get enough exercise getting into mischief all the time. The kid is actually playing quietly for a change, and the parents STILL aren’t happy. No wonder Calvin retreats into his brain so much.

    i did not think of that. his parents are crazy, the kid is quite and they complaine, he is loud he complains. maybe they just wanted the house for themselfs. who knows.

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  23. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  almost 16 years ago

    tabbylynn, if you remember (when they went camping for a week), Dad is a really big fan of fresh air, but neither Mom or Calvin are. Natch, it’s Dad pushing Calvin out. Too bad that Calvin didn’t build a snow fort across the driveway, or one of his special snowgoon sculptures. That would be poetic justice for Dad! :-)

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  24. Eww
    Ivy0730Lcsq  almost 16 years ago

    in the third panel, Calvin and HObbes pondering: “Dad’s right! Playing (Monopoly) outside isn’t a bad idea, we could get some fresh air at the same time!” LoL

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