First panel: cent-percent
Second: 75% (messages–of which bouquets are one type)
And that was with his five-minutes leaning-on-locker research!
For cookiemonster: because the Romans didn’t trademark him, they left it open for a later plagiarist–you may have heard of the basmati and neem issues.
(on plagiarism, another Tom Lehrer reference: Lobachevski)
c00k13m0n5t3r says:…………..
BTW - can someone tell me how it is possible to register as a trademark a Roman god that was invented more than 2000 years ago?….
Sure cOOk13, just be the first to do it…. and then hope like heck he doesn’t come around to collect some royalties.
madampresiden12 says: Susie should have known better. She pressured him to go to the library. She should have known he wouldn’t come up with the standard answer.
Seriously! how many years have they been in the first grade together? Decades!
I would like to point out…it’s not the number of years Calvin and Susie have been in 1st Grade, but the amount of QUALITY time spent being 1st Graders.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaa… Oh relax, Susie! Don’t get mad at Calvin. Hey, Calvin, become as a mercury zooms jiffy! Before Susie gives you a shiner. ROFL! X-D
tabbylynn: Thank you. I was sick with an intestinal virus, and even looking at the computer for more than a little bit made my head hurt even worse. Doing much better now. :-)
i know what you mean about look at the computer when you have a headache. i am glad you are doing better. i missed you, you make things intresting and i love your witty comments.
margueritem almost 16 years ago
Knuckle sandwich forthcoming…
attyush almost 16 years ago
uh oh…time to make a dash.
Leonardeuler almost 16 years ago
Susie’s patience has come to an end. Finally Calvin will be slugged. Go ahaed Susie.
c00k13m0n5t3r almost 16 years ago
Poor Susie has a low tolerance level when it comes to ancient Roman legends … or to Calvin.
BTW - can someone tell me how it is possible to register as a trademark a Roman god that was invented more than 2000 years ago?
txmystic almost 16 years ago
…and he didn’t even have to research it…well done, Calvin!
Ivy0730Lcsq almost 16 years ago
Calvin is a such a talented kid!!! Susie, don’t be mad! Annnnd, I guess/know Hobbes wrote it!!!!????
prasrinivara almost 16 years ago
First panel: cent-percent Second: 75% (messages–of which bouquets are one type)
And that was with his five-minutes leaning-on-locker research!
For cookiemonster: because the Romans didn’t trademark him, they left it open for a later plagiarist–you may have heard of the basmati and neem issues.
(on plagiarism, another Tom Lehrer reference: Lobachevski)
JonD17 almost 16 years ago
c00k13m0n5t3r says:………….. BTW - can someone tell me how it is possible to register as a trademark a Roman god that was invented more than 2000 years ago?…. Sure cOOk13, just be the first to do it…. and then hope like heck he doesn’t come around to collect some royalties.
Jackone almost 16 years ago
Susie needs some anger management classes.
madampresiden12 almost 16 years ago
Susie should have known better. She pressured him to go to the library. She should have known he wouldn’t come up with the standard answer.
Unclebup almost 16 years ago
Its the ad libbing that gets him introuble - Calvin needs to stay on script– maybe he should ask Barack to borrow his teleprompter.
pouncingtiger almost 16 years ago
“Exit, stage left.”
bald almost 16 years ago
calvin got his info on mercury from spaceman spiff
harywer almost 16 years ago
definitley back to susie.
ninmas almost 16 years ago
well, she said the MYTHology of mars. aren’t gods myths? A+ calvin well done!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 16 years ago
Love his expressions in the 2nd and last panel!
alexhuama almost 16 years ago
jaja anda golpealo se lo merece :P
lazygrazer almost 16 years ago
The Roman god Mercury could never wing it as good as Calvin just did.
fidget360 almost 16 years ago
madampresiden12 says: Susie should have known better. She pressured him to go to the library. She should have known he wouldn’t come up with the standard answer.
Seriously! how many years have they been in the first grade together? Decades!
Radical-Knight almost 16 years ago
Exit stage right, even. (My best Snagglepuss impersonation.)
prasrinivara almost 16 years ago
Almost on-the-nail ninmas; only the planet about which Susie said Calvin would present mythology was Mercury not Mars.
marvee almost 16 years ago
I’m amazed he came up with anything close to right.
bleepingdeadalien almost 16 years ago
I would like to point out…it’s not the number of years Calvin and Susie have been in 1st Grade, but the amount of QUALITY time spent being 1st Graders.
alondra almost 16 years ago
Now the teacher’s gonna have to pry Susie off of Calvin while the rest of the class gets some great entertainment. Go Susie!
dsbairdks almost 16 years ago
Doing your homework or not…
Wildmustang1262 almost 16 years ago
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaa… Oh relax, Susie! Don’t get mad at Calvin. Hey, Calvin, become as a mercury zooms jiffy! Before Susie gives you a shiner. ROFL! X-D
DougDean almost 16 years ago
Yeah, for Calvin, that’s pretty good…
tabbylynn almost 16 years ago
margueritem says:
tabbylynn: Thank you. I was sick with an intestinal virus, and even looking at the computer for more than a little bit made my head hurt even worse. Doing much better now. :-)
i know what you mean about look at the computer when you have a headache. i am glad you are doing better. i missed you, you make things intresting and i love your witty comments.
margueritem almost 16 years ago
tabbylynn: Thank you. I enjoy having your cheerful comments appear on the boards, too.
Yukoner almost 16 years ago
Susie, you’ve been outdone as usual. Get over it.
bmonk almost 16 years ago
txmystic says:
“…and he didn’t even have to research it…well done, Calvin!”
But of course he researched it! It says right there in the subtitle on his paper (two days ago): “An ExHaustivELY RESEaRCHED REPORT by CalviN”
Digital Frog almost 16 years ago
Hey Margueritem - sorry to hear you were ill. Wondered why you hadn’t posted much lately. Hope you’re back on your feet (& keyboard)
Cameloo almost 16 years ago
Relax Susie, he’s only giving an honest opinion.
cello_wizard almost 16 years ago
Relax Susie! He’s telling the truth!
hublisiddu1 almost 16 years ago
That’s Calvin, the smartest!!!
mrprongs almost 16 years ago
Pow! Bam! To Mercury, Calvin. To Mercury!
Wildmustang1262 almost 16 years ago
Marg. I hope you feel much better sooner. I know the intestinal virus is terrible pain in the butt!