FoxTrot by Bill Amend for October 01, 1996
Andy: Roger, please don't try to light the furnace yourself! We can call the heating guy tomorrow! Roger: Andy, trust me. I'm 45 years old. I have a college degree. I was a Boy Scout once, remember? I know what I'm doing, ok? Andy: That's what I told my parents when we were getting married. Roger: Do we have a flash light? Never mind - I'll light a match.
JasonFoxIsMyHero over 14 years ago
HEY! That’s an insult to Boy Scouts!!!
Silverforte over 13 years ago
He must have made it to tenderfoot at most
laurac5800 over 10 years ago
Poor boy scouts!
temi6brocks almost 10 years ago
You guys are so mean,honest but mean
SuperCharged5- over 3 years ago
Laval37 almost 2 years ago