FoxTrot by Bill Amend for January 11, 1998
Paige: Pff pff pff pff pff pff pff thup... Great, my stupid boot came off. How the heck am I supposed to find it in this snow?? Dig, dig dig. Sheese - I told Mom these things were too big! Pff pff pff pff... not again! Dig dig dig. How many times is this going to happen?! Jason: Look at the spacing, Marcus! I'm telling you, there's a T. Rex on the loose. Marcus: Ye gods, it's headed toward the mall.
jules almost 7 years ago
Ah, the common mallstomper. Its natural diet consists of the eggroll shop in the corner of the food court, soft pretzels, and Orange Julius smoothies. The females are most commonly found in rue21 and Justice. The males tend to prefer to check out the females, but never stray into their territory.
Stephen Gilberg about 5 years ago
But so round? Maybe a T-rex whose feet were chopped off.
G and W over 3 years ago
this humanoid enjoys playing sample games in the technology section of the supermarket, such as yoshi’s crafted world