FoxTrot by Bill Amend for November 17, 1998
Paige: I've got to read this whole book by wednesday. Peter: So? I've got to read this whole book by next tuesday. Jason: Ha! I've got to read this whole book by next monday! Oops. I guess if I hold it sideways like that, it's too thin to see. Paige: Would that work if I turned you sideways? Peter: ...or upside down, or inside out?
A Black Seagull about 5 years ago
Lol it’s thinner than paper.
MJ J over 4 years ago
To paige and peters view the paper was visible. Jason made it invisble to them but visible to the viewers.
Laval37 almost 2 years ago
physics states that in the third panel, the paper was visible to peter and paige. When jaston turned it around, he made it invisible to them but visible to the viewers
Quincy devour of worlds over 1 year ago
My books in 2 grade were like this