FoxTrot by Bill Amend for November 14, 1999
Peter: Jason, what pattern did I tell you to run? Jason: You said to go 10 yards out, then 10 yards to the right. Peter: And what pattern did you run? Jason: I went 10 V/2 yards at a 45 degree angle. Peter: And are they the same thing?? Jason: If you add the vectors, sure. Peter: This is football, not math class! Jason: Why do you think I rounded to two decimal places?
gingerr over 16 years ago
VishnuKompella over 7 years ago
Triangular Method, baby!
colBoh about 6 years ago
This is the real reason nerds can’t play football.
TheBrawlKing over 5 years ago
This strip was the first one that got me to read foxtrot