FoxTrot by Bill Amend for August 04, 2000
Paige: What do you two have planned for today? Jason: We're going to see the "X-Men" movie. Paige: I thought you went yesterday. Jason: We did. Marcus: We go every day. Paige: Doesn't that get a little expensive? Jason: Sure, but once we have it totally memorized we'll be able to watch it in our heads all we want for free. Marcus: I'm already starting to dream the first hour. Paige: Is this a movie ABOUT mutants or FOR them? Jason: Ignore her, Wolver-Marcus. Marcus: Don't make me use my fake claws on you.
MJ J over 4 years ago
TraverseIce over 4 years ago
is marcus threatening paige? Wow, that’s the first time i’ve seen him do that…
Caedmon The Great about 4 years ago
If Jason gets one-frame glasses he could be Cyclops
《Lily》 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Oml when im bored in class i do the same thing with my pencils under my desk :3
SuperCharged5- almost 4 years ago
It looks like they got a cookie cutter and cut a circle out of marcus’s hair