FoxTrot by Bill Amend for October 19, 2000
Peter (oldest son): What are you doing? Paige (daughter): Dad talked me into playing chess with him tonight. It's been a while since I've done this, so I thought I'd get in some practice. Peter (oldest son): If you do that, you'll lose in six moves. Paige (daughter): See? I told you I was rusty. I used to be able to get out of these games in four moves.
gocomics almost 11 years ago
4 moves is the minimum required for checkmate:
lordheart over 10 years ago
No if one is really dumb it only takes 2 moves. move the pawn from white f2 to f3, and g2 to g4. black meanwhile moves pawn e7 to e6, and moves queen from d8 to h4. checkmate.
TraverseIce over 4 years ago
wouldn’t Roger mess it up so Paige has to play more?
Extension Cord about 2 years ago
I would win in 0 moves ;)