FoxTrot by Bill Amend for May 17, 2004
Jason: You look happy. Paige: You bet. It's Freshman Fair day. The whole freshman class gets to go to the fair for a big end-of-the-year field trip! Peter (from the other room): It's Freshman-Free Day! It's Freshman-Free Day! Jason: Peter seems happy too. Paige: "Fair," Peter! Freshman Fair!
De_Faulto almost 12 years ago
I guess this day isn’t really for the freshman…
viper over 7 years ago
hazel power almost 7 years ago
sounds fun!.. for everyone else
hazel power almost 7 years ago
sounds fun!.. for everyone else
Josequeen over 3 years ago
And Paige gets to go every year!
phoenixnyc over 3 years ago
Peter must not be on his school’s Freshmen Wrecking Squad.
What? Doesn’t every high school have one?
AzizCalva almost 3 years ago
The only reason the school brings in more freshmen is because they need the money.