FoxTrot by Bill Amend for July 23, 2006
Man: I am Glog Malblood, orc centurion!! Prepare to face my wrath, puny night elf!! Just don't touch me. I'm not sure this armor protects me from cooties. Jason: Dang, I wish I hadn't said that. Now she's taking off her gloves. Marcus: Can you run away wrathfully?
Virtualjump over 15 years ago
Is that Warsong Gulch?
Me_Again about 14 years ago
Could be.
iFerrarifan over 13 years ago
I wish I had a WoW account.
Nuttypearls115 over 12 years ago
I wonder what would happen if someone actually did that…
PEARLSBEFORESWINELOVER88 almost 11 years ago
singkong2012 over 9 years ago
My friend did that to make and enemy take off their gloves
Clearstream over 8 years ago
I need to show this to my dad. We love Wow, and I have Clearstream; a 100 night elf hunter. Woo night elf!
hazel power almost 7 years ago
I thought Glog was a shaman