Good point, but irrelevant. when they colorized it, they could have just as easily colored the hearts red, had they wanted to. They left it black because it’s Goose’s thoughts. His ONLY thought at the moment, actually, so it didn’t need a thought balloon.
Get real – they just got lazy and didn’t re-color the hearts, fer cryin’ out loud!Geez, you people read too darned much into this strip. It’s just a comic strip…
karanne about 11 years ago
First post!
Stick, he’s a guy. This is a chance to practice your ‘feminine wiles’ and manipulate him. Just wait until you develop your bust!
karanne about 11 years ago
Eh, when I was their age so was I. Just wait until you start your monthlies, Sabra, then you’ll develop!
Scooterep1 about 11 years ago
The black hearts have to do with intentions, perhaps…
cdward about 11 years ago
She knows my name!
DDrazen about 11 years ago
Everybody says “Nerds need love, too,” but Goose plans to do something about it.
Lamberger about 11 years ago
Ah. So then black is the old red. What whimsy is this?!
awgiedawgie Premium Member about 11 years ago
Good point, but irrelevant. when they colorized it, they could have just as easily colored the hearts red, had they wanted to. They left it black because it’s Goose’s thoughts. His ONLY thought at the moment, actually, so it didn’t need a thought balloon.
awgiedawgie Premium Member about 11 years ago
Ahh, fifth grade… that wonderful age when boys are starting to show an interest in girls, but girls still think boys are gross.
MadYank about 11 years ago
Get real – they just got lazy and didn’t re-color the hearts, fer cryin’ out loud!Geez, you people read too darned much into this strip. It’s just a comic strip…