Prickly City by Scott Stantis for August 11, 2008

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    Lilyblack  almost 16 years ago

    Man, that is one scary looking wall and window.

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    geeknerd  almost 16 years ago

    After USSR invaded Afghanistan, Ronald Reagan (peace be upon him) boycotted the Moscow Olympics. After Red China annexed Tibet (their last territorial demand upon Asia?), what did we do?

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    tobybartels  almost 16 years ago

    It was Jimmy Carter, NOT Reagan, who decided to boycott the games in Moscow. (Although I suppose that Reagan might have been able to reverse that decision if he’d had a mind to, so you can give him some credit/blame for sticking to Carter’s plan.)

    When the People’s Republic of China annexed Tibet, the U.S. government (under Harry Truman) already recognised the Republic of China (which at that time, like today, controlled only Taiwan and surrounding islands) as the sole legitimate government of ALL of China –INCLUDING Tibet. (Most of the rest of world, including the United Nations, was doing the same.) There were no games in China to boycott.

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