Prickly City by Scott Stantis for August 29, 2008

  1. Large pawns
    2write  over 16 years ago

    A Republican prefers boys over girls - but that would never make it to a comic strip LOLz :D

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    TheFurnace  over 16 years ago

    Wow, so now Stantis is calling Bill Clinton a pedophile? Classy.

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  3. Cigarette
    Iphelia  over 16 years ago

    I think he’s referring to Carter.

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    CoronellaKeiper  over 16 years ago

    Carter made the mistake of trusting the so called press: He let the press interview his seven year old daughter. Good to remember is that he had been trained to help a submarine full of people to get along, to be the commander of a sub, and of course that means he first was trained in lots of survival modes. He was, and is, very protective of his family and his country. Macho-man by personality, trained at home to be a gentleman. O.K. The press asked young Amy Carter what she liked that she and her father did together. I remember those years well. The men who went overseas to put down the Nazi threat had come back to find the women liberated, for the best in most cases, but no longer was it O.K. for a man to be in charge of everything. It even became accepted that men had to let the women cook or burn all the food, so that women had more status. Into that bizarre eras chaos, sweet Amy wisely chooses to say something like “I like it when my daddy takes me into the kitchen and teaches me how to cook grits with an egg stirred in so that it tastes even better. We did that together.” Now, obviously the man wants his child to stay healthy when she goes to college, and not get mononucleosis like so many students. He also wants her to grow up resilient and able to eat right if she doesn’t have much money or time. He is our macho-gentleman, cares about us for real. So, do you think the press complimented him on making sure that Amy new more than how to bake an angelfood cake? The press tried to sneer at President Carter, and I’ve tried to remember to never trust the press since then. Jimmy Carter has the last laugh, though: Since his good example, papas as well as mamas are socially allowed to actively care about all their children. Nowadays, men are holding their babies more, just like before the generation that grew up with the dads gone overseas. We Americans are getting our mojo back.

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    inertman  over 16 years ago

    ujjwal, sounds like a comment from ‘the tolerant party’ alright. and thefurnace, it’s only calssy ‘cuase it’s true. and coronallekeiper, carter is a bufoon, always has been, always will be. never before has a previous pres. injected hiumself into foriegn afairs after office, w/o authourity or standing, professing what’s wrong w/ america abroad! macho is about the farthest thing from the truth, busy body maybe…

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    tobybartels  over 16 years ago

    I wish MORE former presidents injected themselves into foreign affairs. If only Bush Sr. had given his son some advice!

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