Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 27, 2009

  1. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  about 15 years ago

    Like that’s the first time a quibbler would have arisen…

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  2. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  about 15 years ago

    Hammurabi never had that problem.

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    Potrzebie  about 15 years ago

    aren’t there supposed to be two tablets? Or was this tablet perforated for ease of separation?

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  4. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago

    I think that’s why there were only 10 commandments. Those commandments were dropped.

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  5. Soldier  edit
    Kosher71  about 15 years ago

    Hmmm …

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  6. Kitty at sunset
    wicky  about 15 years ago

    Just shut the he** up and deliver the tablets bozo!

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    mikdeeps  about 15 years ago

    Where’s the third tablet?

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  8. No obama
    Guilden_NL  about 15 years ago

    Take two tablets in the morning and call me if you don’t feel better……

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  9. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  about 15 years ago

    Two approaches to law:

    American (English, Common) Law: spell it all out in exquisite, painful detail.

    Roman (Napoleonic, Canon) Law: give the principles and trust the magistrate to adjust for the exceptions to make the legislator’s intent work.

    The Ten Commandments are closer to Roman Law.

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  10. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  about 15 years ago

    Hey, if we were ‘sposed to have some common sense to live by, God would have given us some, right?? Right.

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  11. Hawaii5 0girl
    treered  about 15 years ago

    i think in “history of the world part 1” it shows what happened tot he third tablet. The one he has there splits into two…

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  12. Danae
    Wiley creator about 15 years ago

    Mr. Doty- Can you tell us where that information can be read? That’s quite interesting and I never that before.

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  13. Puma
    durtclaw  about 15 years ago

    Hammurabi Plagiarized

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  14. 11 06 126
    Varnes  about 15 years ago

    But,didn’t Hammurabi come before the commandments?

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  15. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Ah yes, History of the World. That’s where I got the idea.

    Mel Brooks holds up 3 tablets and says “I give you these 15…(drops a tablet, breaking it to pieces)…10 commandments.”

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  16. Missing large
    ccmills  about 15 years ago

    I also Mr Doty would be interested in your reference

    A quick search of the old testament does indicate that the tablets were written on both sides - but i can find no reference to 600 commandments anywhere.

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  17. 64449 wallpaper400
    Ronshua  about 15 years ago

    Deu 25:11 “When men fight with one another, and the wife of one shall draw near to rescue her husband from the hand of the one attacking him, and shall put out her hand and seize him by the genitals, Deu 25:12 then you shall cut off her hand – your eye does not pardon. Deterrent Wisdom in the statutes directed as instruction to totally ignorant homeless people . How did Wisdom completely render void several pounds of defiled gold ? (the golden calf)

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    flyoverzone  about 15 years ago

    This reinforces one of my dictums that states your quality of life diminishes in direct proportion to the number of attorneys you personally know.

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    wittyvegan  about 13 years ago

    Especially “you shalt not give false witness” has been really tough on the religious right.

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