Garfield by Jim Davis for December 10, 2009

  1. Missing large
    Llewellenbruce  about 15 years ago

    You’re to fat to climb that tree.

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    EarlWash  about 15 years ago

    Bottoms up…uh… or is it. Never mind.

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  3. Purposeinc wolf
    ladywolf17  about 15 years ago

    A bendable scratching post.

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  4. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  about 15 years ago

    I knew a guy who set up his tree so his cat could climb it without tipping it over or knocking off the decorations. He said the cat was his favorite ornament; you never knew where it would turn up.

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  5. Hyacinth macaw
    sjoujke  about 15 years ago

    My cats don’t bother climbing the tree, they just knock the ornaments off it.

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  6. Su 47.2
    darkwraith  about 15 years ago
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  7. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  about 15 years ago

    It is now a cat-a-pult! And the star is the ammo.

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  8. Muscle man
    adam13245  about 15 years ago

    What the hell is Garfield planning?

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    Troglodyte  about 15 years ago

    @Lonewolf: Cat-a-pult is right, and Jon will be seeing stars soon if he isn’t careful!

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    TrulyBluely876  about 15 years ago

    It reminds me of a big male orangutan trying to climb up a tree.

    Garfield is too cute!

    Thanks Mr. Davis!

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  11. Large dolphin1a
    DolphinGirl78  about 15 years ago

    My cats used to play with the ornaments, etc… until I sprayed them with water each time they went close to the tree… now they leave it alone… grin

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    GreighWolf  about 15 years ago

    If Jon was standing on the other side of the tree, I can see Garfield letting it go and nail him. HAHA!

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    Plods with ...™  about 15 years ago

    nice goin’ tubby

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    alondra  about 15 years ago

    Garfield you really oughtta know better than this. Don’t you know Santa is keeping a record?

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    chubbygirlcomics  about 15 years ago

    Um, was Jim Davis at my house last week?

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    Wildmustang1262  about 15 years ago

    Macushlalondra said, about 3 hours ago

    Garfield you really oughtta know better than this. Don’t you know Santa is keeping a record?

    That’s right! I am sure Santa already had the record after he observed what Garfield was doing with the Xmas tree. LOLs!

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    Comic-Nut  about 15 years ago

    The tree is too short to climb ….

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    keltii  about 15 years ago

    Santas record on Garfield is longer than that wish list Garfield tried sending to him on sundays strip!

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    yyyguy  about 15 years ago

    i didn’t know Christmas trees were so flexible!

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    ninmas  about 15 years ago

    we got our tree today!

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    G.V.007  about 15 years ago

    Jon does ask such stupid questions.

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 15 years ago

    When I had cats, we put some alarm on the tree to prevent the cats from climbing and such.

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    chinook2  about 15 years ago

    Jon: That tree had really expensive ornaments on them!

    Garfield: Did.

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  24. Befunky
    trazerj  about 15 years ago

    i soooo love cats….

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  25. Large steve45
    JP Steve Premium Member about 15 years ago

    I lashed our tree to the ceiling!

    Then the cats found out it came apart in the middle!!

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    Guilinraf  about 15 years ago

    Santa is gonna fill Garfields stocking in the reindeer stalls!

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    jacob.c.bair  about 6 years ago

    i WAS climbing the tree, NOW i am lying on the ground whimpering

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    GarfieldMN  almost 5 years ago

    You’re on a diet!

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    Category L (stop the spammers)  over 3 years ago

    Let goooooo… slowlyyyy…. if you go too fast you might be flinged Into outer spaceeee..

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