Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for November 02, 2009
TV: Is the recession really over? Will the stock gains hold? Have we finally learned our lesson about reckless spending? The world waits for the other shoe to drop. ...While a few brave souls speed up the process... Saleswoman: Welcome to Footwear! We've been expecting you!
lightenup Premium Member about 15 years ago
In the next panel, I hope she’s saying, “Do you have any footwear fast enough to run away from mooching in-laws?”
alondra about 15 years ago
Stupid Cathy. For all the money she spends on clothes and shoes she could probably pay their rent on a small apartment.
Allison Nunn Premium Member about 15 years ago
Agreed Macush….. She & Irving probably would be out of debt themselves as well, and able to do things a lot more interesting than shopping!
kaymargogo about 15 years ago
Agreed, hands down! Pay their rent and get on a budget!
dstufff about 15 years ago
lightenup -
In the next panel, I hope she’s saying, “Do you have any footwear big enough that I can use to kick my in-laws out of the house?” Premium Member about 15 years ago
Ahem, and just why should she pay THEIR rent anyplace?
okchase2 about 15 years ago
Oh no. Please don’t go start another clothing story arc