Gary Varvel for September 11, 2008

  1. Missing both thumbs
    T1nd0g  almost 16 years ago

    “remember” That’s all anyone has to say on the topic. It’s like a collective lie were we each tell ourselves whatever we want to hear. Here’s something to “remember”…

    Now, good day & Piss off.

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  2. Buddy
    lalas  almost 16 years ago

    Remember to be afraid, and then ignore the fact that W is doing nothing about the perpetrator. “you know, I don’t think about him very much.”

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  3. Cats
    B0B_E  almost 16 years ago

    What’s it like to live with such hatred in your heart all the time?

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  4. Shark avatar2 web
    mackado  almost 16 years ago

    Yes, Bob_E I wonder how this people get up in the morning, they must be the ‘bitter’ individuals Obama was referring to a while back….

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  5. Tardy
    LateToTheGame  almost 16 years ago

    Okay Machado, I’ll drop my bitterness if you can honestly answer some simple questions. Doesn’t it concern you as a conservative that this Republican President, along with a Republican-controlled Congress for the first 6 years, have doubled the national debt since taking office? Doesn’t it concern you that bin Laden is free, seven years after 9/11? Twelve years after he killed my brother in the bombing of the Khobar towers in Dharan? Doesn’t it concern you that as a nation, we’re fomenting world-wide disgust of the U.S.? Iraq is now a hotbed of terrorist activity, but it was not so prior to us going there. Shouldn’t that concern you since it now generates more recruiting for al Qa’ida? These are all serious points, and I honestly hope that you’re able to respond to them with as much maturity as I’ve given you. I want to know the other sides views on these real concerns.

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  6. Anchorman
    ConservativeBob  almost 16 years ago

    “and then ignore the fact that W is doing nothing about the perpetrator.”

    Yes…because we have not at all fought and disrupted Al-Queda whatsoever. Let’s forget that there hasn’t been an attack on American soil since. Yes…he’s done nothing.

    Each and every comment of hatred and blind criticism that ignore the facts on this comic is absolutely disgusting.

    God bless all the victims of 9/11 and their families. God bless America for not letting this attack destroy us even though some people….here and abroad…would like it to have done so.

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  7. Missing both thumbs
    T1nd0g  almost 16 years ago

    “Let’s forget that there hasn’t been an attack on American soil since. Yes…he’s done nothing.”

    Ok! Let forget the fact that the last signifigant atack before his presidency was Pear Harbor! and lets just forget this: January 2008 update: 1,033,000 deaths

    Seriously! I’m tired of living in YOUR past, I have a life to live. One that doesn’t involve living in fear of the scary muslims when we’re a “Nuclear F’n SUPER POWER!” Cowards, with no civility, lacking humanity or good will, the whole lot of you.

    “God bless”? Your use of those words are in vanity. Unless you knew someone in one of those towers, it’s the act of a Narcissist. Glorify only your own ability to simply utter the words. Going through the paces, playing pretend, not actually caring one bit. You sir need to stop living vicariously through the pain and suffering of others and get on with your life. Because you sir have lost only that which the current administration has taken from you! You have lost both your constitutional rights and with all due respect, it would seen your free will.

    “9/11 let us forget” We have no past issues to work through on this matter… It’s not relevant to my daily life. It’s not a holiday. The banks are open. I lost NO ONE in the atack. and those I have lost in my life, I have attended their funerals and moved on! LIKE AN ADULT! The dead remain buried, they took with them to their graves all that they were, ashes to ashes dust to dust.

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  8. Anchorman
    ConservativeBob  almost 16 years ago

    “I lost NO ONE in the atack.”

    So because YOU didn’t lose anyone in your life it doesn’t matter that YOUR COUNTRY was attacked? How utterly selfish of you. I usually try to be nice but your comment is completely arrogant and disrepectful to our entire country.

    I will simply not allow someone to talk bad about my country and CERTAINLY will not allow you to disrespect the victims of 9/11. I don’t ever want to see you say you love this country. I will use these words against you every single time if you do.

    And by the way I lost one of my best friends in those attacks so you can go screw yourself and live in hate and cowardice. To forget history is to be ignorant of what will happen in the future and you are the epitome of that saying.

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  9. Missing both thumbs
    T1nd0g  almost 16 years ago

    Learn to read Bob. Just learn to read.

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  10. Missing both thumbs
    T1nd0g  almost 16 years ago

    Don’t you get it buddy? Eventually you will lose everyone you’ve ever cared about. You will attend funeral after funeral. The only thing that matters is how we present ourselves now. Everyone has loss. To say that the loss of your friend outweighs and is somehow more important then the current death of thousands of Americans in needless battlefields, or to say your loss is more important then Millions of Iraqis, is lunacy.. Jesus Bob the funeral was 7 years ago! MOVE THE HELL ON! You speak as a man that doesn’t even believe his own faith. do you believe in your own bible or do you simply wish to suffer and continue to relive the past?

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  11. Missing large
    dhleaky  almost 16 years ago

    Tindog, I doff my hat to you.

    bleeep shame they have been feeding from the likes of the drug addict limburger. No real ability to consider any other thoughts. Please allow this quote from your above piece, it needs to be repeated daily.

    Ok! Lets forget the fact that the last significant attack before his presidency was Pearl Harbor! and lets just forget this: January 2008 update: 1,033,000 deaths

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  12. Anchorman
    ConservativeBob  almost 16 years ago

    “To say that the loss of your friend outweighs and is somehow more important then the current death of thousands of Americans in needless battlefields, or to say your loss is more important then Millions of Iraqis, is lunacy..”

    I didn’t say anything of the sort. I don’t have to “MOVE ON” from one of the greatest tragedies in American history. I didn’t say anything about this outweighed the dead in Iraq. You have no idea what you are talking about and it actually makes me a little physically ill.

    “You speak as a man that doesn’t even believe his own faith. do you believe in your own bible or do you simply wish to suffer and continue to relive the past?”

    I am not a Christian but the fact that you think I am just shows how bigotted you are against them. You don’t have to be religious to understand what happened to our country that day. We were attacked and innocent people were killed. It’s staggering that you have no respect for this inncident whatsoever. You should be ashamed of yourself. I truly hope someone you know and love doesn’t get murdered like my friend was…you’re such a wretch that you couldn’t even handle it.

    You have proved to me that you are nothing but a hate-filled monster.

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  13. Awww
    Alexus_The_Great  almost 16 years ago

    Still, let me say that there are a lot of stuff that simply do not add up in the whole 9-11 case as present by this administration.

    It won’t be the first time when a President decides to ignore all the warning signals and allow an attack to America in order to push his (the Neocon) agenda…

    Remember Pearl Harbor….

    Remember Bay of Tonkin…

    Remember 9-11…

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  14. Buddy
    lalas  almost 16 years ago

    Perhaps my cynicism is a bit strong… however I do feel that as time goes by the lasting legacy of 9/11 will be the blind fear that allowed the ushering in of the Police State. Since 9/11 we’ve lost Habeus Corpus, Posse Comitatus, the gov’t can spy illegally and get off, scot free. Everybody was more than happy to give up the civil liberties that (once) made this nation great for a little bit of elusive safety.

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  15. Anchorman
    ConservativeBob  almost 16 years ago

    “Perhaps my cynicism is a bit strong”

    There is nothing wrong with cynicism especially when it comes to government and all of those points you made are completely valid and true. My post was only regarding the victims and how our people are still strong and not broken by terror like they want us to be. I wasn’t thinking of the government on this day all my thoughts were on the tragedy. Sometimes you have to just think of more than the politics of things especially when it can be changed.

    For tindog to insult their memory like he was is completely unacceptable to me and I’m simply not wired to let someone talk like that about the dead in my presence.

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  16. Missing both thumbs
    T1nd0g  almost 16 years ago

    Yes Bob, you have to move on. You simply must.

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  17. Tardy
    LateToTheGame  almost 16 years ago

    Interesting that Machado could not find it in himself to respond, maturely or otherwise.

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