One of the questions asked of Author at the bridge concerned, IIRC, the average airspeed of a swallow.
Author inquired as to which species, the European or African swallow, the question applied.
The guardian of the bridge replied “I don’t know” and was promptly cast into the bottomless gorge.
pouncingtiger almost 16 years ago
It’s a new bird called a “waiter” pigeon.
By the way, how can a 1-ounced bird carry a 1 loaded trash can? (if anyone gets what that refers to, give me a shout out.)
farren almost 16 years ago
It’s an African sparrow.
aerwalt almost 16 years ago
Not Walter Pidgeon?
Miserichord almost 16 years ago
From “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”.
One of the questions asked of Author at the bridge concerned, IIRC, the average airspeed of a swallow. Author inquired as to which species, the European or African swallow, the question applied. The guardian of the bridge replied “I don’t know” and was promptly cast into the bottomless gorge.