Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for October 05, 2009
Alice: This aisle at the store is good if you want to know which holiday is next. Beni: Halloween! Alice: And a few shelves up is - Beni: Thanksgiving! It's like peering into the future! Alice: And - above that is Christmas! And look - higher up - Beni: It's BEACH TOYS! Alice: No! Don't peer too far! You'll go crazy!
margueritem over 15 years ago
Alice, I totally agree…
rayannina over 15 years ago
Holiday merchandise creep continues …
barbhinkins over 15 years ago
Lucky you celebrate Halloween and Thanksgiving - our stores have started with Christmas! (Downunder)
mrsullenbeauty over 15 years ago
What, no shelf love for St. Valentine’s Day?
pvscott over 15 years ago
You’ll find that at Victoria’s Secrets
Yukoneric over 15 years ago
Retail employees hate all the garbage…………….
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
I prefer avoiding the Christmas rush, but…
MisngNOLA over 15 years ago
We were shopping for Halloween decorations for our Halloween/daughter’s 18th birthday party yesterday, and there were boxes and boxes of stuff labelled “Christmas Decorations” on the shelves waiting to be opened and stocked. Sheesh.
ds133 over 15 years ago
I am waiting for the holiday creep to loop around. Eventually, after years of seeing christmas decorations move from november to october to september (and so on), we will return to the point where the decorations go up in the month of the holiday itself.
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
As long as there are children, we’ll never escape the dreaded “holiday creep”. The marketing departments must be run by children!!
joefish625 over 15 years ago
In early September here in NJ a local supermarket had a Christmas display out and they were proud of it. I asked the manager if he might be jumping the gun a bit and he gave looked at me as if I were an idiot, which of course, I am. Ain’t greed grand, folks?
comillsteve over 15 years ago
aaahhh…marketing 101. always put the most attractive and current items at kid level shelves. good observation, Richard.
DevilBunnies over 15 years ago
And on the very top shelf…Halloween again! It is an infinite loop…You are wise, Alice, not to stare into infinity.
lazygrazer over 15 years ago
Look away, children!—lest you glimpse the God of Merchandise and disinigrate!
threegeebee over 15 years ago
San Francisco was displaying huge ‘n hokey plastic snowflakes on Market Street by the 19th of September because, here in the bay area, we always have snow in mid-September. So, for this and sundry other reasons, no peering down Market Street, either.
Miba over 15 years ago
Our stores have christmas stuff up too, it’s disgusting. Slow down a little. By time Christmas actually gets here I’m sick of it.
JUJUBEANIE over 15 years ago
so so true
fritzoid Premium Member over 15 years ago
At Lee Chong’s grocery in Cannery Row, you could buy Christmas decorations in August, Valentines in May, Fourth of July decorations in January, anything you wanted any at time of the year, and none of it was EVER marked down for the off-season. It made for an interesting decor when Mack and the Boys threw a surprise birthday party for Doc. Great fun, until the frogs got loose. Too bad Doc couldn’t make it. Oh well. It wasn’t his birthday anyway.
Crossfire905 Premium Member about 15 years ago
Yep… I guess it’s about time to wish everyone a Happy Hallowanksmas. ;->
sonicmario2 almost 13 years ago