Ahh , GYM grown Muscle Brother’s prize winning , good to the last punch , don’t spill “IT” on anything coffee . Paying in advance for it at the local Greasy Spoon .
After savoring a cup of this stand alone “Joe”, often it’s heard - Toto I don’t think we’re in Coffeyville Kansas anymore .
4deerinmyyard over 15 years ago
DocToon works there?
Ronshua over 15 years ago
Ahh , GYM grown Muscle Brother’s prize winning , good to the last punch , don’t spill “IT” on anything coffee . Paying in advance for it at the local Greasy Spoon .
After savoring a cup of this stand alone “Joe”, often it’s heard - Toto I don’t think we’re in Coffeyville Kansas anymore .
mrsullenbeauty over 15 years ago
It wakes you up and knocks you out.
pschearer Premium Member over 15 years ago
As an old advertising slogan once put it, “Man, that’s coffee!”
Rakkav over 15 years ago
Failing that, try neutronium or adamantium. :) Or my own discovery, durin. :D
Ushindi over 15 years ago
It acts more like “Three Stooges” coffee - “Toink!”.