As I heard it so succinctly put recently: The left wing and the right wing are just part of the same ugly bird, working in opposition, to keep said bird moving forward. That ugly bird is socialism. (Some words have been changed or added to protect the failing memory of this writer.)
HAH!!! “Incontheevable!!” It’s time we stormed the castle, Fezzik, and taught the Government what ‘to the pain’ means! Hallo! My name is Inigio Montoya! You killed my country! Prepare to die!!”
Crunkbot - I love it but Princess Bride is now such an old movie that kids won’t get it. Many classic lines!
Pacejv about 15 years ago
Good Morning people.
sjoujke about 15 years ago
Congress is working on them right now.
Yukoner about 15 years ago
I thought he meant the Repubicans and the Dummicrats.
jrbj about 15 years ago
The sorry truth of the matter is that we’ve all been had and no matter which side wins next time we’ll be had again.
fredbuhl about 15 years ago
The more things change, the more they stay the same… only worse.
CogentModality about 15 years ago
As I heard it so succinctly put recently: The left wing and the right wing are just part of the same ugly bird, working in opposition, to keep said bird moving forward. That ugly bird is socialism. (Some words have been changed or added to protect the failing memory of this writer.)
treBsdrawkcaB about 15 years ago
HAH!!! “Incontheevable!!” It’s time we stormed the castle, Fezzik, and taught the Government what ‘to the pain’ means! Hallo! My name is Inigio Montoya! You killed my country! Prepare to die!!”
Crunkbot - I love it but Princess Bride is now such an old movie that kids won’t get it. Many classic lines!
MisngNOLA about 15 years ago
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. They decided and a shotgun sings the song.
sunchaunzo almost 3 years ago
If it weren’t for us “Have nots”, there wouldn’t be any “Haves” (and we certainly can’t Have that!).