Gorton’s… wish i’d thought of using that. I know this one’s pretty
obscure, but it’s actually the second time i’ve done a takeoff on this particular Lovecraft story for Strange Brew.
In both of them, I was hoping that readers would pick up on the general theme of ” Uh Oh, some
humans have stumbled into this
sort of alternate world of fish people”
Lovecraft seems to have been re-discovered by a new generation of admirers over the last several years, with
some Death Metal rock band even appropriating his dark
Gothic themes and phrases for their songs.
Bex Premium Member about 15 years ago
Funny, but only if your familiar with H.P. Lovecraft.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Which I am not, so this one’s over my head.
Boomzilla about 15 years ago
Although this does have a limited audience, I think its awesome that Mr. Deering went there! Love me some Lovecraft!
carmy about 15 years ago
The bass sure doesn’t look like the Welcoming Committee.
TrulyBluely876 about 15 years ago
I just read “Shadow Over Innsmouth”. Good read. Good comic, too.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Shows what I know, I was trying to figure out how “Bass Pro Shops” fit into the strip. You know, the chain store that’s like Cabela’s.
ktfergus about 15 years ago
Wow, even Dennis Miller would find this one obscure.
mrprongs about 15 years ago
I think only the Old Ones would get this.
Coyoty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Ooh, this is a deep one.
Don’t trust the Gorton’s fishman.
bueller about 15 years ago
Gorton’s… wish i’d thought of using that. I know this one’s pretty obscure, but it’s actually the second time i’ve done a takeoff on this particular Lovecraft story for Strange Brew.
In both of them, I was hoping that readers would pick up on the general theme of ” Uh Oh, some humans have stumbled into this sort of alternate world of fish people”
Lovecraft seems to have been re-discovered by a new generation of admirers over the last several years, with some Death Metal rock band even appropriating his dark Gothic themes and phrases for their songs.
RonBerg13 Premium Member about 15 years ago
Innsmouth. Why is it always Innsmouth? Why can’t you just say Ipswich and leave it at that?
Ushindi about 15 years ago
If you really want to read this, here, I believe, is the complete story:
The Call of Cthulhu
if this is, indeed, that in which you have an interest - I must get back to my Necronomicon…