Garfield by Jim Davis for October 30, 1982

  1. Missing large
    garf+candh=gr8  over 13 years ago

    So he DID die today. Once. One of his lives went into that grave from two strips ago.

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  2. Pimp raven
    Krendall  over 6 years ago

    Why is Dad carrying a pitchfork?

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  3. Photo
    AsrielTriforce  over 5 years ago


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  4. Large garfield
    CarmineBazile  almost 4 years ago

    Isn’t Garfield supposed to die on this strip?

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  5. 5cf67014 84dc 4fe7 8dbc d52e0561a1ac
    Cricket Q. Wright  over 3 years ago

    Actually, he has 7 lives as of now. (Remember the fuzzy bologna?)

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  6. Sheldoncharacter
    Scrambled Eggs  almost 2 years ago

    …wait, does this make the house something on the farm or near it? Did Jon not realize how close he was or recognize the area that he grew up in? I know it was dark, but it couldn’t have been THAT dark…

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  7. Nina pykhtina aim cover
    ElJorro  4 months ago

    I guess that tombstone was right.

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