Garfield by Jim Davis for November 26, 1982

  1. Pimp raven
    Krendall  over 6 years ago

    I think playing dead only works on bears. Actually, I’ve never looked up if that’s true

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  2. Lineartemptingbeaver size restricted
    sougieboss  over 5 years ago

    except cats

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  3. 39e67913 68c4 4375 97da 7067feacf72d
    ComicFan4Life  over 4 years ago

    That’s not true, when my Meowth fell asleep, my opponent destroyed it! (I made up this battle, don’t ask who my opponent was)

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  4. Marty scream
    cs2854900  over 3 years ago

    the dog is too feral to even think rationally

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  5. Sheldoncharacter
    Scrambled Eggs  almost 2 years ago

    I wonder if Odie ever tells any of the other dogs in their neighborhood what Garfield does to him on a regular basis. This could be some revenge by proxy…or typical ‘dog hates cat comic violence’ stuff.

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