Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for August 30, 2009

  1. Lula1
    fairportfan  over 15 years ago

    There was a character in John Byrne’s reboot of “She Hulk” who arranged to get Jen (She Hulk) working in the same office she did because she was already in late miffle age and she knew that people in comics never really age…

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  2. Senmurv
    mrsullenbeauty  over 15 years ago

    Uh, can I get a reboot over here, please?

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  3. Caffeine
    ColoradoRider  over 15 years ago

    Heart murmurs are super powers?

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  4. 180px data
    rdh288  over 15 years ago

    That’s the tiring part of DC. It can’t give up on its old heroes! Marvel just keeps some of them, most go to the next generation.

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  5. Fergus avatar
    fduniho  over 15 years ago


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