Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for September 14, 2009
captain: hey, bixby, why so stressed? bixby: didn't you hear? disney bought marvel comics!! now all my marvel clients are complaining about the changes that disney is implementing!! "snow white and the seen x men" "the spidey king" "beauty and the hulk..." captain: how bad could it--? bixby: it was a bloodbath on the set of "winnie the pooh and wolverine, too!"
John Reiher Premium Member over 15 years ago
That’s the wonderful thing about Wolverines! Their tops are made out of adamantine and their bottoms out of springs!
mrsullenbeauty over 15 years ago
So says Sabrepiglet.
fritzoid Premium Member over 15 years ago
Given the way they’ve written X-Men over the years, you KNOW they’ll wind up trapped in the Mickey Mouse Universe at some point…
JP Steve Premium Member over 15 years ago
“The Fantasia Fighters!”
TapiocaHead over 15 years ago
This is funny!