Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for December 24, 2007
Poncho: This rotting plank represents my past! Now that I've found it, we will do everything together! Hey! Where's the stocking for my plank of wood? Where's Santa gonna stick the plank of wood's loot if the plank of wood doesn't have a stocking?? Chazz: Okay, okay, I'll put up a stocking. "The plank of wood's loot"? Carmen: Don't look at ME! I'm done shopping! Respect to Watterson.
javier_a_delgado over 14 years ago
LOL, this is just like Calvin & Hobbes when Calvin complains because Hobbes doesn’t have a stocking for his loot.
Phil (full phname Philip Philop) about 7 years ago
Calvin and Hobbes tribute!
hyenaqueen over 3 years ago
good job, mr. gillagan