Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for July 24, 2009

  1. Missing large
    CX_Flyboy  over 15 years ago

    I remember that and remember thinking it was strange nothing ever came of it!

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  2. Nanny poo
    carmy  over 15 years ago

    So why is he taking it out on Poncho? Boomer’s the one that grabbed the rotting tree branch.

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  3. Wolf wolves howl
    Wolfdreamer250  over 15 years ago

    I wonder? Since Orlando is here is the other dog going to split plankey in two and in the end both Poncho and Orlando will get a piece and Orlando being rich will do something nice to the crazy dog.

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  4. Tagore330
    aprille1  over 15 years ago

    Awww, poor dog. That rotting tree branch was his very own “plankie.” Maybe Poncho and Orlando will help him find a new, rotting tree branch.

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  5. Large tv test pattern  color
    Lyons Group, Inc.  over 15 years ago

    Or not.

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  6. Senmurv
    mrsullenbeauty  over 15 years ago

    I never even saw the original events, and somehow I remember them in vivid blue tones.

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  7. Justin karen 5 17 08
    kalena41  over 15 years ago

    What a great bit! I totally remember the original now but had forgotten. This was perfect…kudos, kudos, kudos to you, Paul!

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  8. Rondine5
    Skarlett Premium Member over 15 years ago

    LOL! Now I remember it too! Paul Gilligan is pure GENIUS! He waited patiently for us readers to forget about that strip and then threw it back in! GREAT!

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  9. Devil poncho
    Ameculas  over 15 years ago

    awesome. the third part of the second panel is priceless still

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    cleokaya  over 15 years ago

    Who’d have thought that one plank of wood could cause so many problems. You know, looking back, the “River Dance” tickets could have been a very subtle clue, since the rotting tree branch was lost in the river.

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    alondra  over 15 years ago

    But how did this dog plot all that out with the free tickets and Poncho and his friends going to that all you can eat pie thing or whatever it was if he’s so enamoured of a piece of rotting tree branch? Is he rich too?

    Come to think of it, I did sort of feel there was something missing when they went no further with this dog and his rotting branch at the time. I wanna hear the whole story behind this.

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  12. Just si by richard smith
    bromley001  over 15 years ago

    I wanna find that strip now! Anyone know the date?

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  13. Missing large
    Muchak  over 15 years ago

    I think it was about 2 months ago, but don’t remember the exact date. This is thrilling writing Paul, great work!

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  14. Maine coon
    pierreandnicole  over 15 years ago

    Have all of you forgotten that Fish was never interrogated as to whom entered the house and took ‘Plankie’.

    I too wondered why nothing ever came of the boyz dumping that dog’s rotting tree branch. I felt for that pooch.

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  15. Trop light
    JonD17  over 15 years ago

    just as CX Flyboy says, I also thought it was odd that nothing came of that other dog, who actually was responsible (in dog logic) for Plankie’s rescue. Poncho is such a piece of work, one HAS to admire his self centerness!

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  16. Cookie close
    Saucy1121 Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Simon: check the comments for the last couple of days. There is a link to the strip posted.

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  17. Joanie no sam
    Joanie  over 15 years ago

    Priceless…. I love where Poncho drifts off to seeing how “young” he thought he looked. The selfish nature of us all.

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  18. Tubbsbottl lll
    gigabyte03  over 15 years ago

    aprille1 Said: Awww, poor dog. That rotting tree branch was his very own “plankie.” Maybe Poncho and Orlando will help him find a new, rotting tree branch.

    Yes dear aprille1, I too had feelings of sorrow for the poor creature. Branchial loss, (rot notwithstanding) for you see, I once lost my binkie, and was sore distressed. (They had to give me baby valium to calm my shattered soul.)

    Oh yes, bye the way, what ever happened to the Dr.Carver’s Best Cookie recipe you promised…..?

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