Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for March 22, 1982

  1. Aoh14ggppqwxcow5lsnoprapx 1xsgtpgr2fsvysm w8
    CoachRDW1  over 4 years ago

    Hilarious, and the point being made in 1982 is just as true now. We need the media more than ever, clearly, but IMHO (based on a survey of me and my unforgettable fall of 1990 encounter with a lying jerk of a reporter), even one member of the media who stoops to making the news (as opposed to reporting it) or other such shoddy and dishonest tactics to get a scoop/headline should be one more than we’d ever want or need.

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    cfalk27  about 1 year ago

    I remember giving a press conference about 30 years ago. Just a business press briefing for a new venture, no politics involved or anything. We handed out a press release and fact sheet to make things easy for them. There were at least 30 reporters there, and we counted about 50 newspapers who published an article about it. Only ONE article did not have significant mistakes in the story – and the one that didn’t simply printed our press release verbatim. Reporters are absolute idiots, and we are sadly dependent on them for information.

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