While Milo isn’t entirely right, Steve is most certainly wrong about radiation not causing mutations. At least in beings still undergoing cellular meiosis–the unborn, for example. In fully-developed beings the same damaged DNA is what causes cancer and other long-term or even permanent side-effects of radiation poisoning, like sterility or electrolyte imbalances that in turn can and do adversely effect physical metabolism and even brain function.
Ernest Lemmingway over 14 years ago
While Milo isn’t entirely right, Steve is most certainly wrong about radiation not causing mutations. At least in beings still undergoing cellular meiosis–the unborn, for example. In fully-developed beings the same damaged DNA is what causes cancer and other long-term or even permanent side-effects of radiation poisoning, like sterility or electrolyte imbalances that in turn can and do adversely effect physical metabolism and even brain function.
reztoc over 1 year ago
Snoopy has a huge nose.
Harlen Premium Member over 1 year ago
Berke must like to draw them big.