Peanuts by Charles Schulz for January 29, 1951
Shermy stands looking at Charlie Brown tricycle. The latter stands nearby and says,"I'm thinking of trading it in for a new model"<BR><BR> Shermy stoops to look at it and replies,"You should do all right on a trade-in...."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown sits on the tricycle and says, "I kind of hate to part with it, though..."<BR><BR> He continues,"It always started pretty good in cold weather!"<BR><BR>
Pureoaknut almost 14 years ago
Classic Shultz. :)
COWBOY7 over 13 years ago
My sentiments exactly!
Storm F-1/4 over 12 years ago
Wait till your fifty.
yow4zip Premium Member over 12 years ago
Those leg powered engines are the best.
RoofDog about 12 years ago
Decades later, fuel-injected tricycles would do away with the hassle of starting in the cold.
RerunsforeveryoneCB about 10 years ago
Tricicle for sale!
Commenter8888 over 3 years ago
goodbye tricycle.