Peanuts by Charles Schulz for August 16, 1951
Charlie Brown walks down the lane scowling. Violet looks after him and says,"I don't care what you call me, Charlie Brown"<BR><BR> She calls out,"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me!!!"<BR><BR> She walks off grimacing.<BR><BR> She turns back and calls,"You blockhead!"<BR><BR>
calvinballer07 almost 14 years ago
Ah! First blockhead reference!
yow4zip Premium Member over 13 years ago
And so it begins.
Broke My Phone over 11 years ago
The blockhead is born
Attila The Voice! over 11 years ago
Did blockhead come from this strip??
Dakota da'kid over 9 years ago
That’s Lucy’s saying..
Yujo_Jacy_the_Jumpy_Coyote almost 8 years ago
And the Blockhead insult was spread around the neighborhood, originating from a verbally Violent Violet :P .
Myths lover over 7 years ago
And so it begins
peanutsmean over 4 years ago
Violet’s first offense
KILLERBUNNY over 4 years ago
How touching! The first time Charlie Brown was called a blockhead!
Aeryck_Binack over 3 years ago
Historic moment! Who knew blockhead would be such an endearing insult?
Commenter8888 almost 3 years ago
This was the needle the balloon containing all the abuse CB was gonna receive later on needed to pop.
PatrickASL about 2 years ago
This is the second instance of a behavior that was initiated by Violet, but taken over by Lucy.In the November 14, 1951 strip, we also see that Violet was the first one to not let Charlie Brown kick a football. Although Violet let go of the football because she was worried about him kicking her hand. Lucy is motivate by malice.