Would you care to explain your comment? How in anyway does this comic involve the elected lawmakers and governor of Wisconsin.? In my state (Ct.) the Dem governor is going to lay off 7,5000 if they don’t want to play ball.This is just the start of mandatory dues in a mandatory union paying a certain political party being frowned on by the voter. You do believe the voter? You do believe the Court? You do believe in the American system?Otherwise there is an island and a peninsular who believe in union rule. Bon voyage.
lewisbower over 13 years ago
Would you care to explain your comment? How in anyway does this comic involve the elected lawmakers and governor of Wisconsin.? In my state (Ct.) the Dem governor is going to lay off 7,5000 if they don’t want to play ball.This is just the start of mandatory dues in a mandatory union paying a certain political party being frowned on by the voter. You do believe the voter? You do believe the Court? You do believe in the American system?Otherwise there is an island and a peninsular who believe in union rule. Bon voyage.
gladlythecrosseyedbear over 13 years ago
this is a police state
tegm over 13 years ago
laugh it up, it’s for your own protection…