Lisa Benson for June 16, 2009

  1. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 15 years ago

    But they are on the verge of kicking him out. They would have never done it under Bushs constant threats.

    (Sorry I don’t post much, I’m without a computer for the next two weeks.)

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  2. Obama hopnosis
    Right_On  about 15 years ago

    Can’t we all just get along? I guess the hatred toward Iran is that they are still part of the Axis of Evil. Maybe we can get Janet to rename that for us, so they are a kindler, gentler nation of killers.

    Kumbaya, my Lord …

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    Joe Snedaker  about 15 years ago

    churchillwasright Stop letting facts get in the way. You know the hate is not towards Israel itself, but it is towards God Himself calling Israel His promised land.

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  4. Ceiling cat sq
    danielsangeo  about 15 years ago

    “Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that Isreal has never threatened to annihilate another nation and push them into the sea.”

    Hm, weird. Can you show me where Ahmadinejad said this?

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    Joe Snedaker  about 15 years ago

    danielsangeo Are you so serious? You think he wants nukes for peace??

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  6. Ceiling cat sq
    danielsangeo  about 15 years ago

    mytinytown, I am not saying anything. I want churchillwasright or anyone else to show me where Ahmadinejad said that he wanted to “push them into the sea” or anything similar to that.

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    Joe Snedaker  about 15 years ago

    danielsangeo Good to see that. But his overall attitude should be proof enough.

    DrCanuck What is this Iraq scam you speak of? I have heard from soldiers and they claim there is no scam. As well they are wanted in Iraq. As well, did we not remove Saddam from power? As well find Yellow Cake Uranium and Sarin gas? Maybe not as much as we wanted to, but enough to prove there was something going on there.

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  8. Ceiling cat sq
    danielsangeo  about 15 years ago

    “But his overall attitude should be proof enough.”

    No. Attitude is not enough.

    “As well find Yellow Cake Uranium and Sarin gas? Maybe not as much as we wanted to, but enough to prove there was something going on there.”

    …wait, you WANTED Iraq to have banned weapons?

    And did you know that the yellow cake and sarin gas that WAS found was degraded to such a degree that it hasn’t been usable for YEARS?

    Yes. He had banned weapons. In the past. Nothing was “going on there” since 1998.

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    Joe Snedaker  about 15 years ago

    danielsangeo & DrCanuck Here are a few links saying that Ahmadinejad want to annihilate Israel. They may not agree with it happening, but are sites saying he said it.,7340,L-3704240,00.html 6th paragraph I found this interesting. “The president of Iran wishes to deny the Holocaust, wishes to see Israel wiped off the map, in his own words and this Holocaust “conference” is his latest insult and offense to, not only the Jewish people, but to any rational thinking person” Did I proved enough links say that he indeed said Israel should be wiped off the map? Maybe not exactly pushed in to the sea, but not a big difference in pushed in to the sea and wiped off the map. _ Edit fixed messed up link and added… No matter what proof we bring before you liberals you have your minds made up to think this is a good guy and we are unfairly picking on him. Sorry, we care about our country and will defend it and if that means we upset someone that looks extremely evil BEFORE he can turn in to another Hitler, then so be it. It is worth the risk.

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    Joe Snedaker  about 15 years ago

    danielsangeo You said “…wait, you WANTED Iraq to have banned weapons?” I say, WHAT? OK Go ahead and believe what you want. Your version of the news was quite a bit different then what I heard. Must be that liberal spin put on it by CNN. But again, if it was true then Bush was right!!! Can’t have that now, can you? But you do have that illegal Obama, the most perfect president to represent the democratic party.

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    Joe Snedaker  about 15 years ago

    satipera4 I like that I am stupid because I translate something different then you. I know that Iran is evil and I am prepared to defend against it. you on the other hand think his is a mellow like passivist pussycat that does not wrong. So when he attacks he will slaughter you, but not me. Thank you for calling me stupid cause my beliefs and opinions differ from your own. I will end, I may be stupid, but I am far from blind.

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  12. Ceiling cat sq
    danielsangeo  about 15 years ago

    mytinytown: “As well find Yellow Cake Uranium and Sarin gas? Maybe not as much as we wanted to, but enough to prove there was something going on there.”

    danielsangeo: “…wait, you WANTED Iraq to have banned weapons?”

    mytinytown: “I say, WHAT?”

    That’s what I was asking. What did you mean by “not as much [yellow cake uranium or sarin gas] as we wanted to”?

    “But again, if it was true then Bush was right!!! Can’t have that now, can you?”

    Keep spinning. Bush was not right. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq after 1998, just like the UN said. They found traces of very old material that could NEVER be used, which was evidence that Saddam never started up his programs again.

    Nice try.

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    Joe Snedaker  about 15 years ago

    satipera4 I read translations. Because I am sure you could not translate it either. You have to rely on your liberal buddies to translate it the way you wanted to hear it. Sorry what I read and believe is different. As well it is nice to see your true colors, we have had several disagreements in the past and I believe I have never called you stupid. I know a few times I was not very nice to you, but we seem to be able to still argue/debate things. Nice to see those times are behind us. It is obvious you hold me responsible for your original user name deletion. You know right now if some conservative said the same thing you liberals would have attacked him till he deleted his account or gocomics held their standards and did it. Wait, it did happen to a few conservative here that went to far, yet none (jokingly) threatened someone. Thank you for making me despise you. I have tried over and over not to, but now I do. I will have to pray about my feelings toward you and ask for forgiveness. Sorry it came to this. Good bye!

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    Joe Snedaker  about 15 years ago

    DrCanuck This falls under the I believe 1 thing you believe another, so why am I wrong? Why is my news wrong and your is the udder truth? Hmmmm…. Anyway glad to know you level of hatred.

    danielsangeo Oh I meant that we were expecting to find much more WMD’s then we did find, but as I have stated before after 23 UN sanctions telling Saddam to “move” them, he did and now we could not find them. The 23 sanctions gave him ample time to remove them from his country. If you believe for a second a dictator bent on power like Saddam did not have these your are only fooling yourself and this world is MUCH safer with that pile dead!

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    Joe Snedaker  about 15 years ago

    DrCanuck I have not seen you post and “facts” yet, so please do. Make sure they are credible sources.

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  16. Ceiling cat sq
    danielsangeo  about 15 years ago

    “Oh I meant that we were expecting to find much more WMD’s then we did find, but as I have stated before after 23 UN sanctions telling Saddam to “move” them, he did and now we could not find them. The 23 sanctions gave him ample time to remove them from his country. If you believe for a second a dictator bent on power like Saddam did not have these your are only fooling yourself and this world is MUCH safer with that pile dead!”

    Sounds like a lot of supposition-without-facts to me. Have any evidence for your assertions?

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    Joe Snedaker  about 15 years ago

    About Saddam moving them? Nope, but a I said you are a fool to think he did not have any just because the UN said he could not.

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