The Argyle Sweater by Scott Hilburn for April 21, 2009
April 20, 2009
April 22, 2009
Worm on right: Yes, I realize that a salt with a deadly weapon is frightening, but I only keep it to protect my family - and I always keep the safety on.
margueritem over 15 years ago
That slug has cojones…
Edcole1961 over 15 years ago
Next, he’s going to say, “Salt doesn’t kill slugs, slugs kill slugs.”
The Duke 1 over 15 years ago
And, he would be right!!
bald over 15 years ago
but watch out for that pan of beer over there , that will kill you too
MotherOfMoses over 15 years ago
What about, is there such a thing as a good pawn?
wicky over 15 years ago
Or a good prawn.
ewennick over 15 years ago
I’ve had some very yummy prawns.
DougDean over 15 years ago
Yes, there are good puns, but as in all humor, the payoff must justify the setup.
coffeeturtle over 15 years ago
This is just too weird on so many levels!! LOL! :-D
Digital Frog over 15 years ago
I don’t know, your stand on gun control is a hollow point, slug…
Karl the Frog [Snort] over 3 years ago
Is that called asSALT?