Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for October 20, 2008

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    Sternvogel  about 16 years ago

    The broadcaster known fondly as “Harry” spelled his last name “Caray”, as did his son Skip, and as does grandson Chip.

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    Bill Hinds creator about 16 years ago

    Oops–dumb mistake. I mean– The guy is obviously delirious and is referring to the character actor.

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    pamela5383  about 16 years ago

    too soon, way too soon

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    datcubfandaver  about 16 years ago

    A Cubs fan responds: Bill and Jeff, I understand what you’re trying to do here, but I really think you took the lazy way out on this one. If you want to poke fun at the Cubs organization for 100 years and counting of failure, fine. Whatever.

    But you’re essentially taking a cheap and easy shot at Cubs fans, lumping us all together as a bunch of sheep so blinded by the many accoutrements of “Cubbie” culture that we can’t see the reality of the situation.

    And that’s just wrong: There are many, many knowledge baseball fans who continue to support the Chicago Cubs without resorting to curses or drunken lunacy to explain the team’s sad fate. The Cubs have won their division two years in a row and three times in the last five years. They won 97 games this season. Carlos Zambrano threw a no-hitter.

    The point is: They’re a good baseball team. Just because we Cubs fans haven’t given up and bought Tampa Bay Rays caps doesn’t make us pathetic or “hypnotized” or whatever else it is that you’re implying.

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    GrizzFan4Life  about 16 years ago

    TO: datcubfandaver

    Holy bleeep, dude. Are you serious? You do understand that this is a COMIC STRIP, right?

    I’m a Cubs fan, too, but jebus, that’s hardly justification to pen 300 words in response to something that is obviously satire.

    And whether you like it or not, that stereotype does represent a portion of the Cubs fanbase that does exist. It should go without saying that every team has a fanbase that “knows” baseball, and the Cubs are no exception. But to get all up in arms over a satire pegged toward another segment of the fanbase which does, in fact, exist, is a complete waste of time.

    Did I mention that this is a satirical comic strip? Get over yourself.

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    StevenABQ  about 16 years ago

    I’m not sure if you were trying to do this, but it seems to be a pretty ignorant take on Cubs fans. I also found the comparison (assuming this was your intention) to the subprime mortagage crisis to be pretty weak. Aside from the rise and fall of interest rates, which could be compared to success and failure, there is no other comparison. I’m thinking high default rates certainly does not translate to Cubs fans. In one strip you managed to not only insult fans of one of the most celebrated teams of all time, you also managed to insult HOFer Ernie Banks and Future HOFer Ron Santo.

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    tony412  about 16 years ago

    Comic strips are supposed to provoke a chuckle, sometimes even a laugh. The joke implied here has been told about a million times already. So much for creativity. Even the Sox fans, Brewers fans and Cards fans that have told this joke a million times have recently tried to find a new way to poke fun at Cubs fans. So by now, it’s not only old and not funny, but also worrisome that you guys thought this was somehow worth spending your time putting out. Thought you guys were smarter than that. I wont give in to you like I dont to all other teams fans and get upset about this. Just thought I should chime in and give a big thumbs down for putting out this major DUD.

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    Bulldogsid  about 16 years ago

    I have an early nomination for “Sports Jerks of the Year”. Bill Hinds and Jeff Millar for perpetuating a lame stereotype and lazy cartooning masquerading as wit.

    To answer your question: What 100 years tells me? It means that a lot of people don’t have much to write about. I prefer looking at the last 6 years, the fact that four Cubs teams have made it to the postseason. The fact that for six months I could happily cheer for the Cubs. Was I disappointed in their postseason losses? Sure. But it isn’t the end of the world, it is baseball. Anything can happen in a short series.

    And you forgot to work a goat into it.

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    terrencestamp90346  about 16 years ago

    Touch a nerve, gentlemen? Or is it just one guy reporting under different names.

    The Cubs lost. They are the worst professional sports team in history and deserve to be made fun of. Can’t handle a glimpse in mirror and that all your money and time is wasted on professional sports WORST TEAM EVER? Maybe you should stick to something a bit lighter, like Garfield. No one will hurt your feelings there. That is … unless you’re a spider!

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    tony412  about 16 years ago

    To terrencestamp:

    No one here is crying. I think the consensus is this joke is old, move on to something else. As a comic strip writer/illustrator you have the ability to do so much with that. Even Cubs fans would appreciate it if there was at least something new brought to the table.

    I also seem to have missed the memo where you were annointed the person that would declare the Worst Team Ever. That’s just a ridiculous comment, you could have said a million other things and that’s all you could come up with?!!! But if you insist on your assessment, then at least tell us how you come to your conclusion. Why are the Cubs the worst team ever? If I recall correctly the 08 Cubs were not exactly the same as the 07 team, or the 06. You’re entitled to your opinion but it doesn’t mean you’re right.

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    terrencestamp90346  about 16 years ago

    Is there another team that’s gone more than 100 years without a championship?

    That’s the worst team ever!

    Come on board the Yankees bandwagon, plenty of room.

    I’m sure the jokes are old to you, because you have to live with the pain of a century of failure. I love ‘em, so speak for yourself … and not in four different posts carrying different names. That coincidentally are all the first posts of that particular “poster.”

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    StevenABQ  about 16 years ago


    I’d love to take credit for tony412s comments but alas we are different people. Have you ever heard of blogs? This sad sack example of a comic strip is a topic of conversation. That would draw comments from many “first time posters”.

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    terrencestamp90346  about 16 years ago

    What’s the name of the blog:

    “Worst Team Ever” blog?

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    datcubfandaver  about 16 years ago

    Hey Grizzfan4life:

    My comment is less than 200 words. In fact, it’s 183 words. Now do you want to know how long your comment is? OK, it’s 119 words.

    So let me get this straight. It’s not OK for me to write 183 words about a comic strip. But it is OK for you to write 119 words about me writing 183 words about a comic strip.

    This calls to mind the old saying, “Who is more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?”

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    StevenABQ  about 16 years ago


    Good one! With knee slappers like that I think you could go far with Messrs. Millar and Hinds on their strip.

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    terrencestamp90346  about 16 years ago

    Thank you, Steven! Finally some appreciation for nuanced humor.

    Speaking of humor, Lou Pinella wrote some great comedy against the Dodgers when he filled up the lineup card! Hits? Runs? Soriano? ARam? Where out thou?

    Not this year!

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    StevenABQ  about 16 years ago


    Ahhh, how generous that you left me the nice juicy pun regarding the Cubs vs. the Dodgers… In game 2 it was not just comedy…it was literally a comedy of errors!!! HAR! HAR! HAR!

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    terrencestamp90346  about 16 years ago

    Nice one, Steven.

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    Cards10xWSChamps1  about 16 years ago

    Hah.. hilarious!!! Now if only you could have included something about a black cat.. or bartman.. or something fun that happened this year during the playoffs? lmao! How about this for a joke..

    How come the cubs committed an error at every IF position this post season?

    It’s hard to field a ball when you’ve got both hands around your neck! LMAO

    In all seriousness though.. Everyone loves making fun of the cubs.. If you can’t handle it then you shouldn’t be rooting for a team who has the worst history of any professional franchise. You guys could support the sox, no? And I think it’s hilarious how Bleed Cubbie Blue took the time to actually post this on the website. What a tool!!! “Hey guys I saw this thing online, and it toootally offended me! I mean, come on! Will you guys set up accounts to back up our diapered bears? OMG.. like, toally fabulous!! It’s gonna happen!!”

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    tony412  about 16 years ago


    Lord knows that during the offseason I do not spend even a minute on rival teams blogs. Based on your comments, you and many other Cards, Brewers, Sox fans seem to suffer from a serious case of Inferiority Complex. Same seems to be happening to Mr. Terrence now that he’s looking up to the Red Sox every year, and now even the Rays. Keepin it classy huh guys?

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    terrencestamp90346  about 16 years ago

    Tony, you got very quiet about refuting my claim of “Worst Team Ever.”

    Can we consider the matter agreed upon and move on?

    Or should we talk again in 2108?

    Pitchers and catchers report in 4 months. It’s Gonna Happen! This is the Year! Woo Woo Woo. Woo Woo Woo!

    Hillary Clinton and Eddie Vedder love us!

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    StevenABQ  about 16 years ago


    I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you can be somewhat serious. The point is, you make all of these remarks about Cubs fans, and for those of us that have responded to this strip and your remarks…we do not in any way personify the sterotypes you are presenting. Most knowledgable Cubs fans think Woo Woo Wickers is a self promoting joke. In addition, we understand the real reasons season in and season out, that the team has experienced the 100 year drought. As a baseball fan, I would think you would appreciate rational logical reasons (ie; the truth: poor management, bad trades, mediocre talent..etc) rather than low-brow excuses. As you can see from my post, I can take a ribbin’ about my team. But it does not change my feelings that this strip and most of the comments are pretty dumb and brought no new insults to the table.

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    Cards10xWSChamps1  about 16 years ago

    Hey Tony.. FYI I follow pretty much every blog on the SB nation that has anything to do with the cardinals, including most of the blogs out of the central as well as any teams that we are discussing trades with. I have interest in what my opponents are doing. And trust me, you cub fans are entertaining!! Reading all of you scrubbie fans get your panties in a bunch in a blog usually makes me laugh. Most everyone feels that laughing at the cubs is okay? Isn’t that why they’re still around? And don’t give me the last 2 years we won the division BS.. Bc that’s a joke! You’ve still won as many playoff games as us since our last world series!!! The NL central is an absolute joke in the playoffs any year we’re not there.. excluding when the astros made it interesting (only to get swept in the WS)

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    terrencestamp90346  about 16 years ago

    Steven, I appreciate your passion for the team. I’m a Jets fan too, so I know how it is to be bad for a while. I’ve been to Wrigley a few times and my impression of the fans was that they were there for the party and the neighborhood … and it was fun … they lost all three times, BTW.

    So I’ve seen firsthand the stereotype and the people who didn’t seem to watch a single pitch. Of course, I don’t imagine that EVERY fan is like those people who made the biggest impression on me when I was there, but nonetheless the impression was made. Comics are an exaggeration, as most comedy is …

    And seriously, what is probably tired to you … from hearing it all the time is not tired to me. But whoever said Tank McNamara insulted the legacies of Ron Santo, Ernie Banks and Mordecai Three Finger Brown needs to get some perspective … it’s satire. The people being attacked aren’t supposed to like it.

    Reacting like a few of you Cubs fans have is stereotypical … but you really may have shot next year ,,, though the Reds could be next year’s Rays.

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    StevenABQ  about 16 years ago


    Fair enuff, I see where you are coming from, I have also seen the crowd you are talking about at Wrigley – But I’ve seen the same kind of crowd at alot of parks I’ve been to. I won’t suggest that there is not a contingency of Cubs fans that act as depicted by comics or otherwise, there are. Perhaps I’m taking a silly comic strip way too far, but it would be nice for us to be recognized for our teams efforts in more recent times. But your point is noted “what is tired for me, may not seem tired to others”. BTW thanks for remarks about next season…and I agree about the Reds, assuming Volquez and Cuetos arms don’t fall off.

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