The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for June 01, 1999
Jazmine: Owwwwwwwwww! Riley: This thing can't cut?!! I want my money back!!! Jazmine Dubois,peaceful citizen of Earth, is about to fall under attack. Her attacker, the ominous Darth Riley, is in for a bitter disappointment, however. Whack! His lightsaber isn't real.
doeboy1995 over 14 years ago
Hitman1864 almost 13 years ago
That’s classic!
boogiewoogie almost 13 years ago
he couldve used it to chop the tree if it was real
NinjaLovey over 12 years ago
Lol poor Jazmine
aejb about 12 years ago
When is the apple iSaber gonna be for sale?
krys723 almost 12 years ago
poor Riley…I know how he felt
FrostbiteFalls 6 months ago
Her dad’s a lawyer, you little dope.