The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for February 24, 2001
Huey: So. Dr. Dre sues Napster for copyright violation, even as he is gettin sued by George Lucas for copyright violation. And while he's quick to sue others, Lucas seems to have "Borrowed" James Gurney's "Dinotopia" artwork and concepts for "Star Wars: Episode 1." Caesar: Hmm... Huey: Know what I think? I think all art belongs to the masses! The greed and hypocrisy must end! The opinions expressed by Aaron McGruder are not necessarily those of Aaron McGruder. All images are copyrighted Aaron MrGruder, 2001. Any unauthorized reproduction will be porsecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
RoxasOrDie almost 12 years ago
Pfft! I really love the meta in these comics.
Brent Sin 6 months ago
Most art is theft in some form. What matters is how you do it and that you are actually the one doing the work. Lookin’ at YOU, AI “art”.